The latest version of my HTML Photo Gallery Cataloger program (for Windows
9x/NT/00/ME/XP) is Version 1.41: (3.25 Mb, July 6, 2003).
This version contains a Windows Installer MSI file to install and register each of the required files. It requires that you have the Windows Installer on your computer (Filename MsiExec.exe, v1.11, 7/21/00). The Windows Installer comes pre-installed on Windows 2000 and Windows XP, and is also installed as part of Office 2000. If you do not have the Windows Installer on your computer, or if you are not sure if you have it, you need to download and install the Installer (1.4 Mb). You may download the installer from my site or from Microsoft:
My site: If running Windows 95/98, download this file. If running Windows NT, download this file.
Microsoft: If running Windows 95/98, download this file. If running Windows NT, download this file.
Simply download the .Zip file to a temporary directory, unzip, and double click the HtmlPhotoGallery.msi file.
To see an example Photo Gallery created with this software, see my Crazy Case Mod pages.
This program will create a photo album of pictures in Jpeg format. Navigation is accomplished by creating web (.Html) files. The program correctly handles folders with sub folders, creating navigation links between the subfolders. It also creates thumbnails of your .Jpg files. Finally, you can create DirInfo.txt files to add captions to your photos. The program is compatible with all versions of Windows (9x/NT/2000/ME/XP). A sample photo album has been included (Unzip file illustrating the proper use of DirInfo.txt and DoNotModify.txt files.
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Last Modified July 6, 2003