Matthew Monroe Monroe's Rubik's Cube Links

My cube pages
2x2 cube& 3x3 cube My directions for Solving the Rubik's Cube (3x3x3) - these also apply to the 2x2x2
3x3 cube See Denny's solution for solving the 3x3x3 cube. This is a more detailed solution for the 3x3 than the one I provide (mirrored from the now missing
4x4 cube See Denny's solution for solving the 4x4x4 cube (mirrored from the now missing
5x5 cube My directions for Solving the Professor Cube (5x5x5)
Square1 My directions for Solving the Square 1
Pyramix My directions for Solving the Pyramix (Pyramid)

    Other Puzzle Solution Pages

  1. Twisty Megasite
  2. How to solve the 5x5x5 Rubik's Cube by Jacob Davenport
  3. Mark Jeays' Rubik's Cube Solution Page
  4. Mark Jeays' Rubik's Revenge(4x4x4) Solution Page
  5. Jake Olefsky's Rubiks Cube Solve
  6. Rubik's Cube: The Ultimate Solution by Philip Marshall
  7. Speed Cubing Pages

  9. Dan Knight's Cube Pages - speed cubing information and videos, plus lots os solution hints
  10. Jessica Fridrich's speed cubing page
  11. Puzzle Link Lists

  12. Chris and Kori's Cube pages
  13. Mark Longridge's Domain of the Cube
  14. George Helm's Rubik's Cube Page
  15. Cube-Lovers mailing list indexed by date
  16. Cube-Lovers Archives - at the MIT ftp server
  17. Cube Lovers Mailing List - not working 1/1/99

    Cube Solution Computer Programs

  18. Cube Explorer Program Homepage - Excellent downloadable program. Solves any 3x3 cube in less than 20 moves, obtaining solution in under 1 second on a 1 GHz computer. Now includes a simplified, online version.
  19. Maarten van Gestel's downloadable cube solver
  20. Macintosh Cube_Solver.hqx
  21. Paul's Shareware cube solver program page
  22. Java-Based Cube Solution Pages

  23. Michael Schubart's Rubik's Cube Java Applet
  24. Virtual Reality Magic Cube
  25. Puzzle Manufacturer and Nostalgia Pages

  26. My suggestions on where to purchase cubes and related puzzles.
  27. Meffert's World of Puzzles
  28. Official Rubik's Cube Site
  29. Rubik's Cube Online Store

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Last Modified August 8, 2004