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Introducing the Molecular Weight Calculator for Windows

The Molecular Weight Calculator calculates a molecule's molecular weight (or formula weight), and the molecule's percent composition, displaying the results for up to 20 compounds simultaneously. The program is available in Windows 9x/NT/00/ME/XP, Windows 3.x, and Dos versions. The Windows 9x/NT and 3.x versions contain the added features of a Mole/Mass Converter and a Formula Finder, plus easy exchange of information to/from other Windows applications.  Additionally, the Windows 9x/NT version contains improved help, the most recent improvements, and 32 bit code.

Availability and Features:

Windows 9x/NT/00/ME/XP version
Windows 3.x version
Dos version


Solving the Rubik's Cube, Professor Cube, Square 1, and Pyramix Puzzle

For anyone who has tried to solve the Rubik's cube or the Pyramix (Pyramid) and failed, I have prepared easy to follow instructions including pictures in HTML form. These instructions apply to both the 3x3x3 and the 2x2x2 cubes, or to the Pyramix. In addition, I have assembled instructions for solving a 5x5x5 cube (aka the professor cube). Recently I have added instructions for solving the Square 1.

I learned and modified the cube instructions from a book I have subsequently lost, so I decided to type them out. Then, it dawned on me that I might as well make these instructions available on the web. I have seen various authors explain how to solve the cube and I think this technique is the easiest. Once you get it memorized, you should be able to solve any cube in under 5 minutes. These are not racing instructions, however. Those who wish to solve the cube in under one minute need to check your local library or bookstore for book titles on the subject or look at my List of Cube Links.

2x2 cube& 3x3 cube My directions for Solving the Rubik's Cube (3x3x3) - these also apply to the 2x2x2
4x4 cube See Denny's solution for solving the 4x4x4 cube
5x5 cube My directions for Solving the Professor Cube (5x5x5)
Square1 My directions for Solving the Square 1
Pyramix My directions for Solving the Pyramix (Pyramid)


Shakespeare Play Summaries/Synopses

I have decided to post summaries (i.e. synopses) of each of Shakespeare's plays on the web so that they may help others understand the basic plots of the plays. These summaries are bare-bones and without commentary; they simply cover the basic plots, though beginning with the 3rd play, they begin to get quite lengthy. I have attempted to cover nearly all plot aspects of each play and mention most of the character's names in each play. I wrote these summaries between 1995 and 1997 as I watched and simultaneously read all of Shakespeare's plays, getting the videos from the University of Wyoming library. If you find any typographical or grammatic errors, please e-mail me. Enjoy.


Canonical List of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas Variations

The Canonical List of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas variations includes over 540 versions of Clement Clark Moore's classic poem. The versions range from innocent and cute to vulgar and obscene, so read at your own discretion.


Dart Scorekeeper

The Dart Scorekeeper can be used to help dart (Cricket) players keep track of scoring and game statistics when playing the games of Cricket, 301, or Golf. It supports up to 6 teams of two players each, includes modes for both cut-throat and polite scoring, and ranks players based on a unique algorithm that takes player strengths and recent games played into account. The software includes a graphical representation of the dart board plus the ability to play sounds for each player and important events (customizable). See the distribution page for the installation file.


HTML Photo Gallery Cataloger

The HTML Photo Gallery Cataloger software can create a photo gallery of all of the .Jpg and .Gif files in a folder and its subfolders. Thumbnails of the pictures are created, and web page navigation files are created. Navigation includes arrow key recognition. Custom picture descriptions can be included by placing a DirInfo.txt file in each folder. See the distribution page for the installation file.


Computer Case Mod: Window in Hard Drive

I have added a plexiglass window to two hard drives: an old 420 Mb drive and a 40 Gb, 7200 RPM drive IBM drive. I installed the 40 Gb drive at the top of my computer case and added a window in the case to view the drive plus two blue LED's to illuminate it; 30 pictures available. This mod was inspired by Linear1.Org and others including OverClockers.Com


Matthew Monroe
Chapel Hill, NC

B.S. Chemistry, 1997, University of Wyoming
Ph.D. Chemistry, 2002, University of North Carolina

My resume

 I am a graduate of the University of North Carolina chemistry program, specializing in proteomics and bioinformatics while working with Dr. James Jorgenson. My areas of expertise include analytical instrumentation design and automation, microcolumn liquid chromatography, and mass spectrometry, in addition to software design using both Visual Basic and LabView. I am currently working with Dr. Richard D. Smith at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, WA. I have been programming since 1986 when I learned BASIC on an Apple //c (with 128 KB of Ram and no hard disk). Since then, I have updated to GW-Basic, then QuickBasic v4.5 and QuickBasic v7.1 for DOS, Visual Basic 3.0 for Windows, Visual Basic 5.0 for Windows 95, and now Visual Basic 6.0. I have experience with C and C++ programming but predominantly use VB due to the ease and simplicity with which software can be written.

 Matthew Monroe

My bookmark list.


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