AMF Monorail Historical Perspective #2

   This series of photos is the second in a number of vignettes entitled "Ghosts of Flushing Meadow."

   Original photo, taken January 21, 2001 looking east, at site of AMF Monorail Station. The site is presently a parking lot. At the right of the photo you see a chain-link fence. That controls access to the former Gertrude Ederle Amphitheater renovation area.
copyright 2001 Randy Lambertus

Transparency set at 35%.
copyright 2001 Randy Lambertus

Transparency set at 60%.
copyright 2001 Randy Lambertus

Completely opaque setting.
copyright 2001 Randy Lambertus

The layer overlay which was taken in during the fair operating season.

   The small, dark, arrow-head shaped building in the foreground was the AMF Administration building, where VIPs were entertained, the operations people had changing rooms, and where the the day-to-day operations were controlled.

AMF Company Photo - copyright 2001 Randy Lambertus Collection

This page updated on February 20, 2001

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