AMF Monorail & New York World's Fair 1964-65
Newspaper and Magazine Article Guide

   List of documents containing articles of the New York World's Fair. Mostly compiled from NYWF MAGAZINE REPORT, 4/61 to 6/64, copyright William J. Donoghue Corp. 1964

Additions by Randy Lambertus - current August 18, 2003

If you can provide the original or copies of any items below,
please email me:AMFMonorail

Though this list tends to be AMF Monorail specific,
if you have additional NYWF references, please submit
them to the e-mail address above and I'll add them to the list.

Special thanks to Robert Yowell for his contribution.

KEY to marks below

* means article or pictures of AMF Monorail contained in piece.

Struck through text means author has original item.

Struck through and red text means author
does not have original item, only a copy.

AAA Automobilist - Vol. 48, No. 1, March 1964
AAA Motor News - 4/64
Agricultural Forum - 1/64
Air Travel - 4/64
American Builder - 5/64
American Cartagemen and Heavy Haulers - 4/64
American City, The - *12/63
American Federationist (AFL-CIO) - 6/64
Amusement Business - 5/30/64
Architectural Beacon - Vol. 3 No. 4, 12/63
Architectural Forum (Time Inc.) - 1/64
Asia Magazine - 4/26/64
Baltimore Sun - 3/29/64
Bazaar - 64/65
Behind The Scenes At The Post Office, Alfred Lewis - 1965
Better Camping - 4/64
Book Of Knowledge Annual 1965, The: Grollier Inc.
Boston Sunday Globe - 4/64
Business Week - 11/7/59 - 4/22/61 - 1/12/63 - 10/19/63 - 1/25/64 - 3/21/64 - 5/2/64 - 6/6/64
Calling All Girls - *7/64
Civil Engineering - 6/64
Clues - Winter 1964
Compass, The - 4/64
Continental (Ford Motor) - Feb/Mar/64
Crane News -4/64
Cue - 4/18/64 - 4/25/64 - 6/5/65
Design News - *4/64 - AMF Monorail on Cover
Diners Magazine - 5/64
Disney Retrospective - 1984 - NYWF 1964-65/20th Anniversary
Dodge News Magazine - Vol. 29 No. 5
Ebony - 6/64
Electronic Age (RCA Victor) - Spring 1964
Electronics Illustrated - 3/64
Elevator World - *9/64
Engineering News-Record - 10/31/63
Engineering Record - *7/25/63
Epoca (Italian) - 5/3/64
Esquire - 4/64
Fair News - *1/22/64
Family Weekly - 3/22/64
Farm Journal - 2/64
Field and Stream - 4/64
Financial Executive - 2/64
Flintstones At The World's Fair - *1964 - *1965
Ford Times - 8/64 - 5/65
Fortune - 7/63
Good Housekeeping - 5/64
Hablemos - Enero(January)/26/64
Holiday - 7/64
INCO (International Nickel Co.) - *No. 1 - AMF Monorail  No. 3 - Time Capsule
Industrial Design - *9/63
Interior Design - *8/64
International Trade Review - 4/64
Joke Book #79 (Archie's) 7/64
LA Times: This Week" - 4/19/64
Ladies Home Journal - *7/64
Lamp, The - 11/64
Life - 10/5/62 - 1/?/63 - 3/8/63 - 4/23/63 - 6/21/63 - 9/6/63 - 12/6/63 - 1/17/64 - 1/24/64 - 4/17/64 - *5/1/64 - 6/5/64 - 7/31/64 - 5/14/65
Life International - 3/23/64
Lighting Magazine - 1964
Life with Archie #31 - 11/64
Look - 2/26/63 - 11/13/63 - 2/11/64 - 7/28/64 - 8/25/64 - 9/8/64 - 4/20/65
Mademoiselle - 4/64
Magazine of Standards - 3/64
Mainliner (United Airlines) - 6/64
Mechanix Illustrated - 2/64 - 5/65 - *12/65
Millie The Model No. 124 - *11/64
Mobile Home Journal - 4/64
Models and Modelers World - Winter 1964
Modern Plastics - 2/64
National Geographic - 8/63 - 7/64 - *4/65
National Geographic School Bulletin- *2/3/64
National Sculpture Review - Summer 1964
New Hampshire Sunday News, Family Weekly Sunday Section - 3/22/64
New Yorker 5/11/40 - 4/25/64
Newsweek - 11/9/59 - 2/25/61 - 4/6/62 - 9/3/62 - 9/17/62 - 11/12/62 - 3/11/63 - 9/6/63 - 1/13/64 - 4/20/64 - 4/27/64 - 5/4/64 - 6/1/64
NY Herald Tribune - 3/22/64 - 4/19/64
NY Journal-American - 4/12/64
NY Sunday News Coloroto - 4/12/64 - *8/2/64 - 8/9/64 - 8/30/64 - 9/6/64 - 4/25/65 - 6/13/65 - 10/24/65 - 6/4/67
NY Times - *5/8/63 - *11/23/63 - *2/12/64 - *4/16/64
NY Times Supplement - *4/19/64 - 4/22/64
Oilways (Humble) - *11/63
Oklahoma Teacher - 1964?
Pagent - 7/64
Parade - 4/5/64 - 4/12/64
Pepsi-Cola World - 4/64
Philadelphia Inquirer Sunday Today - 4/12/64
Pontiac Safari - 1-2/64, 3-4/64
Popular Gardening and Living Outdoors - 3/64
Popular Mechanics - *12/63 - 2/64
Popular Science - 3/39 - 10/63 - 3/64 - 6/64
Printing Magazine - 4/64
Public Utilities Fortnightly - 4/23/64
Railway Age - *7/29/63 (4 page article AMF Monorail)
Reader's Digest - 1/64
Redbook - 6/64
Republic Reports - *Spring 1964 Monorail in Color (3 pgs steel construction at fair)
Rockwell Standard News - *Winter 1964 - AMF Monorail (2 pages with pictures)
Saturday Evening Post - 4/8/61 - 3/28/64 - *5/9/65 - 5/23/64
Science Digest -  6/63 - 12/63
See - 11/64
Sentinel, The (Factory Insurance Corp.) - 4/64
Seventeen - 2/64
Seventeen-at-School - 2/64
She's Josie #9 - *10/64
Show - 10/63 - 9/64
Sign, The - 5/64
Spice - August 1963
Spot - 4/64
Suburbia Today - 4/64
Teen Scene - 4/64 (features Teen Center at World of Food pavilion)
Telephone Bulletin -3/64
Telephone Review - 5/64
Time - 3/9/62 - 11/19/62 - 1/17/64 - *2/8/64 - 4/10/64 - 4/24/64 - 5/1/64 - 6/5/64 - *10/8/65 - *10/29/65
Today's Health - 3/64
Today's Secretary - 4/64
Trains - 5/64 - 10/64 - 12/64 - 4/65
Travel - 4/64
United Aircraft Quarterly Beehive - Spring 1964
US News and World Report - 12/30/63 - 4/27/64 - 5/4/64
Variety - 13/22/61 - 11/22/61 - 10/2/63
VFW - 4/64
Vision (Spanish) Vol. 2 No. 13, 4/17/64
Visitors East - Vol. 2 No. 7, 4/64
Vogue - 1/15/64
Westsider - Spring 1964, Spring 1965
Where - *2/29/64 (Cover has AMF Monorail) Sidney Bielfield, publisher, 250 West 57th Street, NYC 19, NY - CI6-9240
Women's Day - 7/64
Wonderful World - 1964-65

This page updated on August 18, 2003

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