Welcome to the homepage of the Stellar Visions Webring. I started the webring because at the time I first put my astronomy page up on the web I could find no webrings that were focused on just astronomy. There were rings that included astronmy sites but were really what seemed to me to be "catch all" science rings.
I have been busy with way to many real life problems recently and have unfortunately been forced to neglect my duties as ringmaster somewhat. Things are a bit better now and I can devote a bit more time to the job. All of you that have been waiting in the queue wondering when you will be added should be in the ring by now. If anyone still finds themselves out of the ring please contact me. I would also like to get any input on things you think would make the ring better. I will be reinstating a ring member mailing list that I tried to get going once before and I hope to get more participation this time around. I will also be looking into getting an assistant or two to help me maintain the ring. To join the ring simply fill out the form below. After you have submitted the form you
will be sent an e-mail that contains the HTML code that you need to add to
your page.
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