NASA is looking to the future with an Advanced Space Transportation Program of the possibilities of creating a new revolutionary technology that would make space travel practical and affordable. One possibility that's being looked at, tapping into worm holes as a shortcut across space, and workable prospect. There can be no traveling to the stars if wormholes are not reality. There is no experimental evidence that exists that states wormholes are a reality. If wormholes are found to be forming naturally in nature and are much more a part of the way nature works than we have been lead to believe. Worm holes then becomes a possibility worth looking into.
People outside and inside NASA have worked on this problem for a long time now. Everyone has come up empty handed, Man will have to dig deep and wide in order to come up with the answer. NASA is leaving no stone unturned. Marc Millis of NASA has been criticized for opening up his “BPP” to the public. Mark is trying to recruit the brightest of the brightest, the best of the best into his think tank. To invite them, to bring what they have to the table, bear all and talk shop! In hopes that some how the stalemate will be broken. An undeveloped technology may rest outside main stream science.
I’m bring my best shots of nature to the table. All I have is some pictures. I’m cutting most of my text and letting the pictures do the talking. I hope that others will see what I see in them. Seeing this light in action is like having the most powerful computer on the face of the planet. "A gram of observation is worth a ton of theory. Can our understanding of physics be so far off?", Per. C. S. Seeing the defferent ways in which bridges can form, and knowing about all of it's body parts is like winning half the battle. There is an experiment that I'm building on that will not only prove that bridges are real but also tell us what all the body parts are. I have a name picked out for it all ready. " The Wheeler Dubble Slit Comparison Experiment" How every it is that you are able to find a Einstein Rosen Bridge does not need to be scientific, but how you are able to verify that they are real does
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