Candle in the Dark


Candle in the Dark

The dark cloud comes.
It's width seems endless.
It looms on the horizon.
It is a thick shroud.
It cannot be penetrated.
It's pace is sure and solid.
It consumes all that lie in it�s path.
It is eternal as the night sky.
It has no reflection.
It is a thief in the night.
The dark cloud comes.

There is no way to predict the next move.
There is no way to assume what is next.
There is no way to escape the coming.
All that is sure is that it has
the power to change lives.
Catastrophic, painful, and permanent change.
That power lurks within the darkness.
It remains hidden behind the dark veil.
It continues to move swiftly along it's path.
The dark cloud comes.

Each day, each hour, each minute.
It comes closer and closer.
Run, run, run, little person.
I will come for you.
You cannot escape.
Run, run, run, little person.
The dark cloud comes.

Why do you laugh at me?
Perhaps a hideous laugh mocking the
life you plan to consume.
You are an invasion of privacy.
An invasion of life.
An invasion of the soul.
You are not invited.
You have no right.
You are not wanted.
You can consume me.
You can break me.
You can crush me beneath your feet.
You can take my last breath.
I can give no more than I have given.
There is nothing more to give.
There is nothing more to take.
Is it material possessions that you seek?
Is it position, pride, commitment?
I have nothing, because I am nothing.

There is something that you cannot see.
I have an internal light.
Greater is the light that is within me
than the darkness of your path.
My light will prevail.

Consider for a moment that darkness is the exact opposite of light.
Darkness will cast it's shadow in a direction that is opposite of light.
A brighter light will always drive a shadow to a state of nonexistence.
In the presence of the greater light, not one shadow can exist.
Greater is the light that is within me
than the darkness of your path.

Why then, do you continue to march forward on your path?
Are you hoping the light will cease?
Will consuming my light make you stronger?
Questions, questions, questions.
The dark entity will not answer.

The dark cloud came.
It has arrived.
It has a crushing power that is real.
It's weight is unbearable.
The darkness engulfs.
The darkness consumes.
This is no game.
It is not something derived out of imagination.
It is a life changing trial that measures the soul.
It is a life changing trial that matures the soul.
A trial that brings a soul to the edge of life.
Why choose me?
Why am I the one?
Why did your path cross mine?
Why oh Why?
Feeble questions from an earthly bound mind.

Where will you stand at this juncture?
Dark or Light?
Which will you choose?
Which will consume you?
Speak little person.
No decision is also a choice.
You cannot hide.
There is no escape.

On this day, I choose the light.
Although the dark cloud is allowed to
continue along it's path.
Pain and suffering will follow.
This is a test of the extreme.
Greater is the light that is within me
than the darkness of your path.

The dark cloud comes.
My light will prevail.
My light has prevailed.
The dark cloud is gone.

Candle in the Dark