Academic title:
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Visiting address:
Torsten Andersen
Cand. polyt., Ph.D.
AIX System Manager
Lego System A/S
Aastvej 1
DK-7190 Billund
Building 30-03
B/W photo of me
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Availability information:Ask me.

Post-academic career:

From February 5, 2007: AIX System Manager, Lego System A/S, Billund, Denmark.

Academic career:

June 1, 2004 - February 4, 2007: Akademische Mitarbeiter, Fachbereich Physik, Technische Universit�t Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
April 1, 2002 - May 31, 2004: Post-doctoral research fellow, Uppsala University, Department of Physics, Condensed Matter Theory Group, Uppsala, Sweden.
December 1, 2001 - March 31, 2002: Guest researcher at Forschergruppe "Oxidische Grenzfl�chen", Fachbereich Physik, Martin-Luther-Universit�t Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany.
September 1, 1999 - November 30, 2001: Post-doctoral research fellow, Max-Planck-Institut f�r Mikrostrukturphysik, Halle (Saale), Germany.
November 3, 1998: Ph.D. degree from Aalborg University (Mathematics and Physics, subprogramme "Theoretical Optical Physics").
October 1998 - August 1999: Free-lance research in nonlinear magneto-optics with the Free University of Berlin, Germany, and MPI-MSP, Halle, Germany.
August 1996 - January 1997: Visiting scientist, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Mississippi State University, USA.
February 1995 - June 1998: Ph.D. Student, Institute of Physics, Aalborg University.
November 1993 - November 1994: Research Assistant, Institute of Physics, Aalborg University.
February 8, 1991: Candidatus polytechnices degree (MS in Engineering) from Aalborg University, Denmark.

Master programme: 7th-10th semester: Modern optics and laser physics.
5th-6th semester: Telecommunications.
3rd-4th semester: Electronics.
1st-2nd semester: Engineering and science common basic year.
September 1985 - February 1991: Engineering student, Aalborg University Centre, Denmark.

Current professional interests:

Theoretical and numerical nonlinear optics/electrodynamics, including low-dimensional structures (surfaces, interfaces, quantum wires and -dots).

Active projects:

Theoretical studies of nonlinear optical properties of magnetic thin films based on ab initio (from electronic structure) calculations of the material properties and an electric-dipole description of the optical interaction. In collaboration with Dr. W. H�bner, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany.

Theoretical models for relativistic nonlocal nonlinear optics. In collaboration with Professor O. Keller, Institute of Physics, Aalborg University, Denmark.

Combination of these two projects is planned and being worked on.

Ab-inito optical studies of CO2 and Ce.

Sleeping projects:

(i) phase conjugation in mesoscopic interaction volumes - with particular attention drawn to phase conjugation by degenerate four-wave mixing in metallic quantum wells, (ii) spatial confinement of light, (iii) the influence of spatial dispersion in nonlinear optics.

Memberships of professional societies:

Danish Optical Society 1988-present.
American Physical Society 1995-present (lifetime member since 2003).

Editorial positions, Committees, etc.:

EXC!TiNG Summer School "DFT beyond the ground state", June 22-30, 2003 at Riksgränsen, Sweeden. Member of the organising committee.

Symposium on Spin-Electronics, July 3-6, 2000 in Halle/Saale, Germany. Member of the "Local Organization Committee".

Computer experience:

Currently co-managing a heterogeneous UNIX cluster with AIX 5.2 on 5 workstations (total: 20 CPUs, 160GB RAM, 4TB RAID level 5 home directory) and Linux and Windows 2000 on several PCs. Performing hardware and software installation and maintenance.

During my time in Halle I was managing a heterogeneous UNIX cluster with HP/UX 10.20 on 8 workstations, Compaq Tru64 on our server (2 CPUs) and a workstation (2 CPUs), and HP/UX 11.20 on 1 HP i2000 Itanium workstation (2 CPUs). 680GB RAID level 5 home directory. Performed hardware upgrades/changes, installation of OS'es and applications, etc. Programming experiences include: C, C++, Fortran 77, Fortran 90, csh, bash, PostScript, TeX/LaTeX, and more.


I speak fluently: Danish, English, and German.
I understand spoken: Danish, English, German, Norwegian, and Swedish.
I can read: Danish, English, German, Norwegian (bokm�l), and Swedish.
I can write: Danish, English, and German (German with grammatic errors).
Furthermore, I have a little knowledge of Dutch, Spanish, Italian, and Russian.

Submitted manuscripts Torsten Andersen and Wolfgang Hübner. Substrate effects on surface magnetism of Fe/W(110). Submitted to The Physical Review B.

List of publications (to view an abstract, click the number in front):


1.Torsten Andersen, Ole Keller, Wolfgang Hübner, and Börje Johansson. Spin and diamagnetism in linear and nonlinear optics. Physical Review A 70 (2004), art. no. 043806 (26 pages). Here.

2.T. Andersen and R. Ahuja. Linear and nonlinear semiclassical optics beyond the electric dipole approximation. Physica Scripta T 109 (2004), 106-115.

3. N. N. Dadoenkova, T. Andersen, and W. Hübner. First-principles calculation of nonlinear surface magneto-optical response of ferromagnetic multilayer. Physica Scripta T 109 (2004), 174-179.

4. Torsten Andersen, Ole Keller, Wolfgang Hübner, and Börje Johansson. Spin Response in Nonlocal Nonlinear Optics. Phys. Lett. A 320 (online 2003, paper 2004), 465-470.

5. N. N. Dadoenkova, Torsten Andersen, and W. H�bner, Nonlinear surface magneto-optics of ferromagnetic Ni/Cu(001) from first principles. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 74 (2002), 705-709.

6. Torsten Andersen and Wolfgang H�bner, Substrate effects in magneto-optical second-harmonic generation from first principles: Fe/Cu(001). Physical Review B 65 (2002), art. no. 174409 (12 pages).

7.Torsten Andersen and Ole Keller, Local-field study of phase conjugation in metallic quantum wells with probe fields of both propagating and evanescent character, Physical Review B 60 (1999), pp. 17046-17063.

8. Torsten Andersen and Ole Keller, Two-dimensional confinement of light in front of a single level metallic quantum well phase conjugator, Optics Communications 155 (1998), pp. 317-322.

9. Torsten Andersen and Ole Keller, Optical phase conjugation in a single level metallic quantum well, Physical Review B 57 (1998), pp. 14793-14808.

10. Torsten Andersen and Ole Keller, Local-field theory for optical phase conjugation by degenerate four wave mixing in mesoscopic interaction volumes of condensed media, Physica Scripta 58 (1998), pp. 132-144.

11. Torsten Andersen and Ole Keller, Phase conjugation of optical near fields: A new nonlocal microscopic response tensor, in O. Keller (ed.): Notions and Perspectives of Nonlinear Optics (World Scientific, Singapore 1996), pp. 566-573. (ISBN 981-02-2627-6).

12. Torsten Andersen and Ole Keller, Optical near-field phase conjugation: A nonlocal DFWM response tensor, Proc. SSPFA'95 (Uzhgorod, Ukraine 1995), pp. R5-R6. (ISBN 5-7702-1199-7).


13. Torsten Andersen, Theoretical Study of Phase Conjugation in Mesoscopic Interaction Volumes, Ph. D. thesis (Institute of Physics, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark 1998), ISBN 87-89195-16-7. Electronic document here: [pdf][(faster) ps,pdf,dvi]

14. Torsten Andersen, Foton Scanning Mikroskopi, MS Thesis, Aalborg Universitetscenter (Aalborg, Denmark 1991). (In Danish, unpublished).

Copyright 1995-2007 by Torsten Andersen. Last updated October 20, 2007