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The Three Kingdoms

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My Newly Developed Web Site


Hello fellow Internet surfer!

My name is Ba Cam Ma. Welcome to my web site. I'm very glad that you made it this far . . . I've moved into this Geo City neighborhood on August 25, 1997. Before I moved in, I started my site in 1995 and it was at the UW. You'll see that if you follow this link to www.GeoCities.com/Ba_Cam_Ma/index1.html. Be warned that there's background music! Don't do that while you are at work.

Boy, isn't that coarse and rugged? There're lots of scripting junkies in my old site. Go ahead and use them if you like. I've tried to build it better so it could go public, yet so many other important things need to be done. Not until recently have I got the chance to renovate it.

I've built a few really serious web sites. Some JavaScript was implemented in these web sites. So you want to know how to do that? Send me an email. The followings are links to them:

Herbar Style: herbarstyle.com
AC Travel Agency: www.actravel.biz
www.DirectMailNetwork.net (Suspended without payment)
www.TalkingUnion.com (Suspended without payment)

Beside these, you'll find in the near future some really serious Classical Chinese literatures in this site.As for now, I've included partially my translated works of a religious journal "Good News." You'll need to configure your browser to view Chinese. It's published in many languages worldwide. You can get a sneak preview of this issue since it has not been published yet. Once it's published, I'll post them here in PDF format (Portable Document File.)

So. . . this web site will grow as it goes along. What will be on it Come back and find out.  Enjoy your visit... and If you feel like putting a few words on my Guest Book, please do, I beg you.

And please take a look at my RESUME, if you are a potential employer.


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Wednesday, January 01, 2003 12:42 PM