(An appendix issue of Britain's war stamps. It reads: " The Royal Air Force and The Polish Air Force are fighting for victory) 1943 Jan 26. Sweep (Wing) over St.
Omer. Led by F/Lt Kornicki were: F/O Drybanski, Sgt Smidowicz, F/O Wiza, F/O
Semmerling, Sgt Lojek, F/O Andersz, Sgt Bedkowski, F/O Stefankiewicz, P/O
Zurakowski, Sgt Lewandowski and P/O Kuryllowicz. With squadron flew also G/C
Pawlikowski. He was 47 years old, and whenever he found a spare Spitfire he
would join one of the Flights on the missions. Feb 3. Circus 258 (Wing) over St. Omer. Take off at 4:15 pm. Led by S/Ldr Sawicz were: F/O Drecki, F/O Wiza, Cpt. Gabreski (Read his recollection), P/O Blok, Sgt Jankowski, F/O Andersz, P/O Jaworski, F/O Tarkowski, P/O Cwynar, Sgt Bedkowski and Sgt Ostrowski. Over St. Omer Poles arrived about 10 min. early and started to circle at 23K. They waited there till the bombers did their job. Going back to England, few small groups of Fw-190s were spotted. In one of the skirmishes P/O Blok and P/O Cwynar destroyed 1 Fw-190 each. P/O Blok's a/c (Spitfire IX, PK-B, BS409) sustained considerable damage. Pilot went through some horrifying moments when he tried to bale out and couldn't open the canopy. Having left no options he hauled back his battered aircraft and landed safely. See photo. Feb 27. Led by F/Lt Miksa, squadron performed an honorable duty, patrolling over the Wembley stadium during the soccer game between British and American teams, where present were Royal Family, Winston Churchill and other dignitaries. Mar 8. Ramrod 40. S/Ldr Sawicz damaged one Fw-190. Mar 13. Ramrod 43 over Amiens - (Wing). Escorting B-17s. Over France, one section of 315's was attacked by few Fw-190s. In short skirmish that followed, F/O Najbicz destroyed one e/a. Nobody knew what happened to F/O Semmerling (BS515 PK-F), who became MIA. He was shot down over France, and after successfully evading capture, through Spain returned to the squadron at Woodvale. Apr 4. "Deblinski" flew escort to B-17s coming back from a mission over France. Read more. Apr 16. S/Ldr Poplawski took command of 315 Squadron. Apr 20. F/O Dubielecki 1 Fw-190 destroyed, S/Ldr Poplawski and Sgt Jankowski 1 Fw-190 damaged each. May 4. Forts escort (Wing). F/O Dubielecki 2 Fw-190s damaged and P/O Zurakowski 1 Fw-190 damaged. F/O Lipinski on Spitfire IX (EN131, PK-M), KIA over Flushing (Vlissingen, Netherlands). Although he virtually never made any notes in his log book, the Northolt Wing's Deputy Commnader S/Ldr Sawicz, after flying that mission had made an entry in it: "An exhausting flight - heavy fight. I got out of a/c on very shaky legs. One Fw-190 damaged." See photos. May 13. Ramrod 71 over Amiens. F/O Kuryllowicz (BS410, PK-E) was shot down and became POW. May 15. Circus 297 over Caen. P/O Blok (Spitfire IX, EN172, PK-K) shot down 1 Focke Wulf, while F/O Dubielecki damaged another. G/C Pawlikowski flying Spitfire IX (LZ990) KIA by AAA, NE of Caen (France). Sgt Lewandowski KIA. Combat report. F/O Sworniowski's letter. May 17. Rodeo 217 over Cayeux-Poix. F/O Zajac credited with 1 Fw-190 damaged. May 28. Circus over St. Omer. During the fight with Bf-109s, F/Sgt Rogowski (BR624, PK-P) was shot and KIA over Bergues near Calais. Jun 1. Squadron arrived at Hutton Cranswick (12 Group), Yorkshire, where it received "new" Spitfire VB and VCs. Jul 5. "Deblinski" moved to Ballyhalbert (82 Group), County Down, and was assign for patrol duties over the convoys. Aug 14. Polish C-in-C General Sosnkowski visited the unit on its Squadron's Day. See photos. Aug 15. The unit took part in a full-scale defense exercise and suffered a loss. Entry from Station Diary for RAF Ballyhalbert reads: "P/O Tuczemski (KAS) of 315 (Polish) Squadron, whilst taking part in an authorized low-flying practice, flew into rising ground north-east of Ballymena, Co-Antrim, and was killed instantly, his aircraft being burnt out. In accordance with Polish custom, he was interred on the third day after death. His funeral took place at Ballycran and was attended by almost the whole of his Squadron. An escort party was also provided of British personnel and W/C Hancock attended as representative of the Station Commander, who was absent on duty. Full military honors were accorded and many beautiful wreaths were sent". Polish records state the August 22nd as day of this accident. Nov 13. Squadron arrived at Heston (11 Group), Middlesex. Together with 306 and 129 RAF, "Deblinski" formed 133 Polish Fighter Wing, within 2 Tactical Air Force. See photo. Dec 19. Squadron moved to Llanbedr for firing exercises. |