Duane A. Floyd's
Convergent Home Site

I have completely updated my website. I call this my "Convergent Home Site" because it encompasses both of my previously disconnected sites...one for my professional life (my "QA and IE Lab") and one for my personal life (the North Carolina History Page)...I am converging these sites into one, where you can access both parts! Some pages still have a direct link from this index page, but others require a couple of links...please be patient and let me know if you feel that you have to dig too much for any particular page.

On many of these pages, you will find several things: (1) academic papers, (2) ramblings and musings on the topic (sometimes even some random thoughts that I think about), (3) links to related and interesting pages and (4) any miscellany that I come across that relates to the given field.

Another new wrinkle...the graphic (it can be a variety of graphics, but there is always one in the top left corner) in the top left corner will always bring you back to this page...quickly and efficiently.

I also added some additional information on the Quality Gurus....particularly Drs. Juran and Feigenbaum...also some history stuff...added some High Point historical markers....GO SEE!

Here are the links to the major topic areas:

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Page is © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 by Duane A. Floyd