A First Look at Angles


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The Questions YOU need to answer

  1. What is the measure of the angle ABC when A=(20,40), B=(100,100) and C=(50,160)?

  2. Find some co-ordinates that form a right angle.

  3. Find co-ords that form a straight angle.

  4. Find co-ords that form a 45 degree angle.

  5. Find the co-ords that make a vertical angle to the angle you made with question 1, 2 or question 4.

  6. Can you find a "formula" to generate the co-ords of the vertical angle?

    (Hint: Keep point B the same. Now you need to change A and C. You want to extend the line, so notice how x and y change from your original point A to point B. Apply the same change to B and see where the new A should be. Do the same for C. Check your work by making sure the new angle measures the same as the old. )

    Click here for more hints

  7. Use the formula to find the co-ords of the vertical angle of angle ABC when A=(20,60), B=(100,100), C=(50,125).

    Hint:If you did this correctly, the orginal angle and the new angle should measure the same)

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