Josh Emsley - 08/01/98 17:59:12 My | Comments: A very interesting page. Keep up your good work in the field of musical acoustics. |
nadia - 07/28/98 17:32:12 My | Comments: Tzeluiu! |
Mariano Cabral-Migno - 06/14/98 19:39:43 My | Comments:I'm very interested to have your book about piano acoustics. Where may I buy it?
Mariano Cabral Migno: Las Heras 4551RA 3000 SANTA FE (Argentine)
Andy Boyden - 06/11/98 23:18:40 My URL: My | Comments: I was really interested in seeing this site. However it is a little late in finding as the project I was doing research for is over. In fact I will be employed by Nokia soon. However I decided that I would use TVPS for the simulation of the piano and we were assigned to use a base programming language assigned an arbitary envelpe with high attack, and slow decay/release. It didn't sound too bad but it wasn't good.However a very interesting topic and one I intend to stay in touch with. Andy |
Doug Keefe - 06/05/98 23:20:32 My | Comments: I just updated the ASA Technical Committee on Musical Acoustics web page with your info. |
Jim Krentzel - 05/27/98 19:15:43 My | Comments: I haven't had a chance to look at all the page yet. It looks to be very interesting. Thanks. |
Natalia Markin - 04/17/98 12:36:38 | Comments: Dorogoi Sashechka,ty molodets.Prodolzhai v tom ze duhe. |
H O - 01/09/98 23:40:31 My Do you know about anybody in the world, except me, with the last name 'Galembo'?: except Ilona, no | Comments: I've finally found you. It was very interesting to read your page. Musical acoustics rule! |
Nick Drozdoff - 12/27/97 18:11:15 My URL: My Do you know about anybody in the world, except me, with the last name 'Galembo'?: Er, uh, no... | Comments: I've bookmarked your site and I'll be adding it to my interesting links list. I have only just begun perusing it, but I think anyone interested in musical acoustics ought to know about you. You have certainly been involved in some wonderful publications on the subject of acoustics! I'm impressed and I'm glad to be number 93 on this incarnation of the geocities counter (I personally lost all of my counter data when they changed it over). |
Mark Wisner - 12/16/97 17:43:54 My Do you know about anybody in the world, except me, with the last name 'Galembo'?: Nah..I think local ordinances prohibit it. | Comments: Some pretty interesting subjects, especially since my professional area is the Disklavier, in addition to acoustic pianos. Look forward to hearing from you. |
galka - 11/23/97 13:31:05 My Do you know about anybody in the world, except me, with the last name 'Galembo'?: sluchaino znau neskol'kih | Comments: "Galembo" eto klichka, nastoyashee imya LURIK, obladaet raznymi sposobnost'ami, mnogochislennymi rodstvennikami, lubit detei i zverei, a tak zhe mnogih zhenshin (lubil, teper' uzhe lubit tol'ko odnu). Moguch. Est ru ami, osobenno sosiski. Mozhet vse otdat' prosto tak i za podstavochki pod nozhi i vilki. Zhivet gde pridetsa. Gde ne pridetsa - ne zhivet! |
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