Welcome ! This is the site I wished would have existed when I was writing my extended essay for the #$!@!# International Baccalaurate (yeah, the IB) so I've decided to upload my extended essay together with other extended essays from some of my friends so we could relieve the pain on some poor fellow (that would be you) who has to write one now. In this page you will find some actual essays online and the possibility to download the original Word 6.0/95 documents. If you happen to want another format send a mail to us and we'll se what can be done. The bibliographies of this essays contain some internet addresses visited so you can just click and find more about the subject. These are actual essays, the language used (at least mine) is formal - shitty - IB like and not the way we useto speak so if you find any stupit or cliche frases, you know why they are there.
NOTE : This extended essays have been submitted by us as our work so if you're planning to copy them I'm affraid it's a bad idea because the IB is likely to notice. Don't come crying to us telling we didn't warn you!!
And now, the essays:
Complex Simplicity: An investigation into fractal geometry. By Julián Chennales 1997 Word DOC
The Mutagenic Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation on Living Cells. By Iván Delamer 1997
The RSA Cryptosystem. By Gonzalo Garcia Estebarena1997
4D-ManJul Fractals. Development of fractals proposed in Complex Simplicity
That's all up to now ! Any questions? mail to :
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