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The TOMB RAIDER Editor Project


Screenshots-1 55Kb First wireframe tests
Screenshots-2 Textured tests
Map Viewer v.-15 54Kb (first version)
Map Viewer v.-14 249Kb
Map Viewer v.-13 250Kb (last version)
Map Viewer v.-13b 214Kb (software rendering)
Screenshots-3 TEdit first results

Feel free to distribute any of the above files.

You'll need to have this in your HD to run the Viewer : DOS4GW 148Kb

Main Objectives :
- Create/modify Tomb Raider 2 levels

Optional Objectives :
- Create/modify textures, goodies, enemies, ...

The Big TODO List :
- Fully understand the .TR2 file format
- Edit level structure somehow
- Generate all automatic info (aka "Compile")
- Test level integrity
- Use other rendering Hardwares
- ...

Currently working on :

- Porting to OpenGL.

News :

(14-FEB-99) :
- Slopes and triangular faces have been implemented.

(12-FEB-99) :
- Wow! It's been 3 months since I last updated. I'm sorry. But I've been working. The Level Editor (called TEdit from now on) is starting to breathe. It can load, modify and save TR level files. It only works with one room at a time, and It doesn't manage textures nor triangles. It still needs months of work, but results so far give me a lot of hope. Take a look at Screenshots-3

(21-NOV-98) :
- I compiled a special version for software rendering. It's slow and does not have all the features enabled, but until DirectX version comes, this is the only thing that non-3Dfx users will get. Sorry.

(13-NOV-98) :
- Transparency finally works.
- Pat McComack told me the changes needed to read the .tr2 files from the TR3 demo, so here you have version -13.

(1-NOV-98) :
- Stefan Schneider pointed out how easy it was to write BMP files, so now screenshots are BMP files.

(30-OCT-98) :
- The light structures are partially understood now. We have enough info to draw the triangles with the correct shading at least. Here comes version -14.
- No news from the DirectX port.

(11-OCT-98) :
- A friend is going to port this to Direct-X. Applause.
- The viewer is more decent now, so I release it. (version -15)

(3-OCT-98) :
- Now I render with the 3Dfx and I can draw some nice Bilinear Filtered Texture Mapped Still Not Lit Polygons. Thanks go to Anthony Sims and Pat McComack.

(30-SEP-98) :
- Partially understood the file format. First comes the palette, 8 bits textures and 16 bits textures. Then comes the Map, composed of "rooms". Every room has its own vertex table, faces structure (quads and triangles), "exits" to other rooms, and some more stuff that someday I will understand.
- I rendered this info using TPascal and the BGI's (Boo Boo), kinda slow, but hey! the Great Wall map appeared on my screen for the first time !
- Now this info is being displayed using Watcom C and Glide so... it only works on 3Dfx. My intention is to make only the 3Dfx version, but maybe I'll move to OpenGL. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to try DirectX anymore.
- To make TR read the modified levels from hard disk I need to patch the Exe file. Until I find another way, I'm currently using the Nude Patch (without the textures, of course).

What I loved most of Tomb Raider were its atmosphere and its scenarios,
so If you help me we will be able to expand Lara's universe.

Please, I'll appreciate any suggestion, comment or tech info you have.

Mail me to :

Visits since 1-JAN-98 :

I apologize for my knowledge of the english and HTML languages

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