WELCOME....to "The Surgeon's Home Page". . This web-site is going to provide an interactive enjoyable multimedia database to inform about the advancing technology of General Surgery, 
 Vascular Surgery, Oncology, Transplantations, Laparoscopic Surgery and other microinvasive techniques. 
Laparoscopic Funduplication
Today's Question: Which are the structures that are injured with resection of the lesser omentum? | Answer | 
Today's New Articles
A 41-Year-Old Male with Blunt Abdominal Trauma  
This sawmill worker was struck by a 2x4 hurled back towards him at high velocity by an edger. Can you find the cause of this initially alert patient's turn for the worse by examining the day 2 CT scan? 


 Posterior Fundoplication (Toupet)  
A common reflux procedure is the Toupet fundoplication.  This is a "How I do it" where you can see the important aspects of the Laparoscopic surgery of this gastropexy 

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 Surgeon's Home Page also welcomes comments on any medical topic. Just send an e-mail to acrav@servidor.unam.mx to have your request posted on our electronic billboard.   

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CT scan, MRI, Trauma, Anatomy, Clinical, Surgery 
Warning:Contains material of graphic nature
Brain Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery 
Original Articles 

Review Articles 


Book reviews 

Controversies in Surgery 
Discussion of different topics about surgery 

The New England Journal of Medicine 
Because the Surgeon is the Internist who makes operations 

 Healthgate's Medline 

 National Library of Medicine 

 The Virtual Hospital 


General Surgery 




 Vascular Surgery 






Lister, Joseph

Was the first to 
use antiseptics to 
reduce infection 
after surgery.  
His article"On 
the Antiseptic 
Principle in the 
Practice of 
Surgery" (1867) 
however, was not 
initially accepted in 
England or the 
United States.  
Among his other 
was the method 
of draining abscesses
using a ruber tube.


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Produced by Adrian Cravioto MD and Antonio Espinosa de los Monteros MD. All material on this server 1997-1998 by the publishers involved.