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Some Constellations
This section is an archive of data about constellations, or better said, of data about stars, double and variable stars and Messier objects suitable to being observed with the Meade #395 scope or another instruments with similar or greater aperture. The source for this archive is no other than the "Constellation of the month" section of this Web page since its first appearence in June, 1977.
This archive is not sorted, but instead, each constellation has been the "Constellation of the Month" when its position on the sky is favorable. Anyway, keep always in mind that some objects can be really challenging and you will need a black dark sky and good "seeing" conditions.
Virgo (Jun 1997)
Cygnus (July 1997)
Sagitarius (August 1997)
Andromeda (September 1997)
Persei (October 1997)
Cassiopeia (November 1997)
Taurus (December 1997)
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