I bought my #395 on 18th, March of 1997 and I received it in my house two days later. It cost me 89,950 Pts (about
620 US$. ) and my first thought after seeing the box in my living-room was: "It's really big!".
This is my first scope and my only previous experience with scopes was with a Televue's Ranger from a friend. In fact, I used the Ranger from one entire month and,..., what?, How do they compare?. Well, more on this later. For now, I will anticipate you something: The #395 is a great performer and does have a very good price/performance ratio.
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Last update: January 4, 1998
(C) 1997-1998 Luis Argüelles. Spain, Kingdom of
This page is enterely dedicated to my son Eric
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