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A Site Devoted to The Mysteries of the Universe
This Site Will be Evolving Rapidly in the Future in an Attempt to Bring You Many Mysterious and Exciting Things ! It is My Sincere Desire to Entertain and Enlighten You, . . . . . and Make Yahoo Proud of Me ! So Please . . .
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(Before We Get Into the MYSTERIES, A Brief Word from GOD : )
Love Your Fellow Man My Neighbors. - - - - - ALL that God Asks of us . . . . . .
Is Contained in These 2 Actions:
Love God (for giving us Life and this Awesome Universe) and . . .
Love your Neighbor like You would Want to Be Loved Yourself
~~(the Golden Rule)~~
So Give a Book or Toy to a Lonely Orphan Child,. . . . Help a Homeless Drug Addict Get Off the Street, . . . . Visit the Elderly in Nursing Homes, and Sick Children in the Hospitals. . . . . . . . . It is easy to Help Ourselves or those Close to Us.
But to Help a Lowly Stranger Honors God, And will give you Joy and Peace inside.
(Matthew 25 : 35-45)
(the Star of Bethlehem)
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