By me.
Hey. What's up? Welcome to my little spot on the web. Feel free to move around the page. Just becareful, first step is a whammy. Care to know abit about me, eh? Not too much really to know. Male, 18 years old (shhhh not so loud, people might hear you.) My hobbies? Hamming it up on 2 meters, 6 meters, and 70cms. Loud speakers, music, ohhhh especially music... oh and other hobby... guys, take a sit for this one. I'm into guitars. Still a beginner but I'm still learning. Got a Squier/Fender standard stratocaster... yeah, it's black and white, but hey. Plus an Crate GFX 15. It's a small amp, but it's nice small amp. Music? Really anything thats Christian that moves my feet. hehe But my favorite would have to be Idle Cure. Mark Ambrose of Idle Cure did some amazing guitar work.
Anyhoos! Take a look around. See ya.
Ohhh hey, here's an mp3 a friend of mine and I did one day.
It's metal but not heavy... happy metal I suppose. :-) E-mail me with comments... please? lol
Drop me a line sometime.
Oleta's Ham Page
The Iamerica Page, You got to take a look
Fairchild's Mountain
Jerry's page
Music Man's Page
WB5WPA'S Web Page
American Hero's
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NexRad Houston
NexRad Shreveport
Squier guitars
Guardian: Very cool Christan metal band
Crate amps
Wing Commander Prophecy Secret Ops
Wing Commander Prophecy
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Zola's page
Jews for Jesus
Jerusalem Post Newspaper (in English!)
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