Fossil Taxa
Page evolving!
Any mistakes, comments, arguments, suggestions please email simon
kingdom Monera (aka Procaryotae 8
) (unicellular, non-nucleated)
- division Schizomycophyta - bacteria
- division Cyanophyta - blue-green algae (bacteria)
kingdom Protista (unicellular,
nucleated cell structure)
- phylum Protozoa
- class Mastigophora - flagellates
- subclass Phytomastiginia - phytomasts
- subclass Zoomastiginia - zoomasts
- class Sarcodina (Rhizopoda?)
- order Foraminifera
- family Fusilinidsae - fusilinids
- order Radiolaria - radiolarians
- kingdom Fungi
- Fungi systematics

- systematics
of fungi tol

- division Chytridiomycota 6 8 - chytrids
- division Zygomycota 6 8 - bread molds
- order Mucorales 8 - bread mold
- order Entomophthorales 8 - parasitic on insects
- order Zoopagales 8 - parasitic on amoebas, nematodes,
- division Ascomycota 6 8 - yeasts
and sac fungi
- class Hemiascomycetes 8 - yeasts
- class Euascomycetes 8
- class Loculoascomycetes 8
- order Myriangiales 8
- order Dothideales 8
- order Pleosporales 8
- division Basidiomycota 6 8 - club
- class Heterobasidiomycetes 8 - plant parasites
- order Uredinales 8 - rusts
- order Ustilaginales 8 - smuts
- order Auriculariales 8 - jelly fungi
- order Dacrymycetales 8 - jelly fungi
- order Tremellales 8 - jelly fungi
- class Homobasidiomycetes 8 - saprophytic fungi
- subclass Hymenomycetes 8
- subclass Gasteromycetes 8
- class Deuteromycota
- Plantae
- Collections
- Organisations
- Resources
- kingdom Plantae
- Plants
- Plant Taphonomy,
Paleobotany &
by Dr.
Robert A. Gastaldo Dept. of Geology
- subkingdom Thallophyta 3 - primarily aquatic forms
lacking true root system and some unicellular algal groups often placed
in Protista)
- division Clorophycophyta 3 - green algae Cryptozoic
to Holocene
- division Rhodophycophyta 3 - red algae Cryptozoic
to Holocene
- division Phaeophycophyta 3 - brown algae (seaweeds)
Cryptozoic to Holocene
- division Chrysophycophyta 3 - diatoms Jurassic(?)
to Holocene
- subkingdom Embryophyta 3 - land plants
- division Microphyllophyta 3 - club mosses Devonian
to Holocene
- division Arthrophyta 3 9 - horsetails,
sphenopsids Devonian to Holocene
- Arthrophyta
SDSU Geopark

- Equisetum hyemale (horsetails or scouring rushes)
- division Cycadophyta 9
- Cycadophyta
SDSU Geopark

- Cycas revoluta (sago 'palm')
- Encephalartos altensteinii
- Encephalartos princeps
- division Pteridophyta 3 9 - ferns
Devonian to Holocene
- Pteridophyta
SDSU Geopark

- Dryopteris erythrosora (wood fern)
- Nephrolepsis cordifolia (sword fern)
- Sphaeropteris copperi (Australian tree fern)
- Asplenium viviparium (dwarf mother fern)
- Crytomium falcatum (holly fern)
- Adiontum sp. (maidenhair fern)
- division Pteridospermophyta 3 - seed ferns Devonian
to Jurassic
- division Ginkgophyta 9
- Ginkgophyta
SDSU Geopark

- Ginkgo biloba (maidenhair tree)
- division Coniferophyta 3 - conifers Devonian(?) to
- Coniferophyta
SDSU Geopark

- Metasequoia glyptostroboides (dawn redwood)
- Araucaria araucana (monkey puzzle tree)
- Podocarpus gracilior (yew pine)
- Araucaria bidwilli (Bunya-bunya)
- Araucaria cunninghammi (hoop 'pine')
- Araucaria heterophylla (star 'pine'; Norfolk 'pine')
- Podocarpus macrophyllus (yew pine)
- Podocarpus maki (yew pine)
- Wollemi Pine
- division Anthophyta 3 - flowering plants Triassic(?)
to Holocene
- Anthophyta
SDSU Geopark

- Cocos australis? (queen palm)
- Chamaedorea costaricana (palm)
- Washingtonia robusta (fan palm)
- Phoenix sp. (date palm)
kingdom Animalia 1
(multicellular, metazoan; nucleated cells; no photosynthesis)
- phylum Archeocyatha 3 Early to Middle Cambrian
- phylum Mesozoa 1
- phylum Parazoa 1 (Porifera 3) - sponges,
stromatoporids Cambrian to Holocene 3
- phylum Coelenterata 3 [Ediacaran(?)] Cambrian to Holocene
- Coelenterata =(Cnidaria+Ctenophora)
- (phylum Cnidaria) 1 7
- Cnidaria

- class Hydrozoa 1 - hydras
- class Scyphozoa 1 - jellyfish
- class Anthozoa 1 3 7-
anenomes and corals
- subclass Octocorallia 1 - soft corals, sea pens and
sea feathers
- subclass Zoantharia 1 - sea anemones and stony corals
- Coral
- order Tabulata 3 - builder of Paleozoic reefs Ordovician
to Permian
- order Rugosa 3 2 7
- calcitic, solitary and colonial corals Paleozoic reef builder Ordovician
to Triassic
- order Scleractinia 3 - reef builder of Mesozoic and
Cenozoic, predominatly colonial Triassic to Holocene
- (phylum Ctenophora) 1
- class Tentaculata 1
- class Nuda 1
- phylum Platyhelminthes 1 - flatworms, flukes, tapeworms
- phylum Nemertina 1 - ribbon worms
- phylum Aeschelminthes 1 - round worms
- class Nematoda 1 - roundworms
- phylum Acanthocephala 1 - thorny-headed worms
- phylum Bryzoan 2 3(Polyzoa 1)
- branching colonial animals Ordovician - Holocene
- Family Fenestellidae 7
- order Trepostomata 2 Ulrich, 1882 E. Ord. - Triassic
- Prasopora 2 Nich.-E., 1877 [*P. grayae] [=Prasoporella
Vinassa, 1920] Ord.
- order Ctenostomata 2 Busk, 1852 Ord. - Rec.
- Vinella 2 Ulrich, 1890 [*V. repens] Ord. - Cret.
- phylum Phoronida 1
- phylum Brachiopoda 1 2 3
Cambrian to Holocene 3
- Smithsonian Brachiopod
- Brachiopoda
- lamp
shells and lophophores
- Brachiopods
- Plicochonetes? 7 (Chonetes) 7
- class Inarticulata 1 2 3
- lacks developed socket hinge and tooth structure Cambrian to Holocene
- order Acrotretida 2 Kuhn, 1949
- family Trematidae 2 Schuchert, 1893 M. Ord. - Dev.
- genus Trematis 2 Sharpe, 1848 [*Orbicula terminalis
Emmons, 1842] M. Ord. - U. Ord., North America and Europe
- genus Schizocrania 2 Hall & Whitfield, 1875 [*Orbicula?
filosa Hall, 1847] Ord. - L. Dev., North America, Europe
- family Craniidae 2 Menke, 1828 ?M. Cam., L. Ord. -
- genus Philhedra 2 Koken, 1889 [*P. baltica ] [=Philhedra
Bekker, 1921; Propatella Grubbs, 1939] ?M. Cam., L. Ord. - Carb., North
America, Europe, Asia
- order Lingulida 2 Waagen, 1885
- family Lingulidae 2 Menke, 1828
- family Craniopsidae 2 Williams, 1963 M. Ord. - L.
- genus Craniops 2 Hall, 1859 [*Orbicula? squamiformis
Hall, 1859] [=Pholidops Hall, 1859] M. Ord. - L. Carb., North and South
America, Europe, Asia
- class Articulata 1 2 3
- socket hinge and tooth structure
- order Strophomenida 2 Opik, 1934
- family Strophemenidae 2 King, 1846 M. Ord. - L. Dev.
- genus Oepikina 2 almon, 1942 [*Oepikina septata ]
M. Ord. - U. Ord., cosmopolitan.
- genus Rafinesquina 2 Hall & Clark, 1892 [*Leptaena
alternata Conrad, 1838]. M. Ord. - U. Ord., Northern Hemisphere
- family Sowerbyellidae 2 Opik, 1930 Ord. - M. Dev.
- genus Sowerbyella 2 Jones, 1928 [*Leptaena sericea
Sowerby, 1839] Parvicostellae Ord. - L. Sil., cosmopolitan
- order Orthida 2 chuchert & Cooper, 1932
- family Plectorthidae 2 Schuchert & Le Vene, 1929
L. Ord. - U. Sil.
- genus Platystrophia 2 King, 1850 [*Terebratulites
biforatus Von Schlotheim, 1820] M. Ord. - U. Sil., cosmopolitan
- family Plaesiomyidae 2 Schuchert, 1913 Ord.
- genus Plaesiomys (Dinorthis) 2 Hall & Clarke,
1892 [*Orthis pectinella Conrad & Emmons, 1842] [=Dinorthis Kobayashi,
1937] M. Ord. Northern Hemisphere
- family Dalmanellidae 2 Schuchert, 1913 L. Ord. - L.
- genus Paucicrura 2 Cooper, 1956 [*Orthis rogata Sardeson,
1892] [=Crystiferina Cooper, 1956 (type C. cristata)] M. Ord. - U. Ord.,
North America and Europe
- order Spiriferida 2 Waagen, 1883.
- Anthracospirifer
sp. 7

- family Atrypidae 2 Gill, 1871 M. Ord. - U. Dev.
- genus Zygospira 2 Hall, 1862 [*Atrypa modesta Say,
in Hall, 1847] [=Anazyga Davidson, 1882] M. Ord. - U. Ord., ?L. Sil., Europe
(Great Britain) - North America
- phylum Mollusca 1 2 3
- Cambrian to Holocene 3
- class Monoplacophora 3 - common ancestor of molluscs,
annelids, arthropods Cambrian to Holocene
- class Polyplacophora 3 - chitons Cambrian to Holocene
- class Scaphopoda 1 3 - tusk shells
- class Bivalvia 1 3 Cambrian to Holocene
- Bivalves
- Astartella - clams 7
- Ostrea - oysters 7
- Isognomon 7
- Inoceramus 7
- subclass Protobranchia 1
- subclass Lamellibranchia 1
- subclass Septibranchia 1
- class Gastropoda 1 3 - snails
- class Cephalopoda 1 3 4
Cuvier 1797 Late Cambrian to Holocene 3
- subclass Nautiloidia 1 3 simple sutures;
Cambrian to Holocene 3
- subclass Ammonoidea 3 Devonian to Cretaceous
- sutre type 3
- Goniatites 3 Devonian to Permian
- Ceratites? 3 Mississippian to Triassic
- Ammonites 3 Permian to Cretaceous
- subclass Coleoidea 3 4 Bather, 1888
Mississippian to Holocene 3
- Fossil
Coleoidea Page (taxa list)
Engeser, Institut für Paläontologie, FU Berlin
- order Belemnoidea 3 Mississippian
to Cretaceous
- superorder Belemnoidea 4 Gray
- Belemnites
- order Aulacocerida 4 Stolley 1919
- order Phragmoteuthida 4 Jeletzky 1965
- order Belemnitida 4 Gray 1849
- suborder Belemnitina 4 Gray 1849
- suborder Belemnopseina 4 Jeletzky 1965
- order Diplobelida 4 Jeletzky 1965
- order Belemnoteuthina 4 Stolley 1919
- superorder Decembrachiata 4 Winckworth 1932
- order Spirulida 4 Pompeckj 1912
- suborder Groenlandibelida 4 Khromov 1990
- suborder Belopterina 4 new suborder
- suborder Spirulina 4 Pompeckj 1912
- order Sepiida 4 Gray 1849
- suborder Vasseuriina 4 new suborder
- suborder Sepiina 4 Gray 1849
- 'order Oegopseida 4 d'Orbigny, 1845'
- inc. sedis order Boletzkyida 4 Bandel, Reitner, Stürmer,
1985 (coleoids?, ectocochleates?)
- superorder Vampyropoda 4 Boltzky 1992
- order Vampyromorpha 4 Grimpe 1917
- suborder Prototeuthina 4 Naef 1921
- suborder Vampyromorphina 4 Grimpe 1917
- suborder Mesoteuthina 4 Naef 1921
- ?suborder Kelaenina 4 Starobogatov 1983
- order Decapoda 1 - cuttlefish and squid
- order Octopoda 1 4 Leach 1817 - octopus
- family Palaeoctopodidae 4 Dollo 1912
- family Octopodidae 4 Rafinesque 1815
- family Argonautidae 4 Lamarck 1809
- order Cirrata 4 Grimpe 1916 (= Cirroctopda Young 1989)
- phylum Sipunculoidea 1 - 'wormlike'
- phylum Echiuroidea 1 - echiuroid worms
- phylum Annelida 1 3 - segmented worms
Ediacaran(?) Cambrian to Holocene 3
- class Hirudinea 1 - leeches
- phylum Arthropoda 1 3 - segmented
bodies, jointed appendages Ediacaran(?), Cambrian to Holocene 3
- class Onychophora 1 - velvet worms
- class Trilobita 1 3 Cambrian to Permian
- Andrew MacRea's Trilobite
- Kevin Brett's Trilobite
- Per Hansson's
Trilobite Gallery
- Trilobites in
Murchison's Siluria
- Trilobites
- Family Phillipsiidae, 7
- order Ptychopariida 2 Swinnerton, 1915
- family Asaphidae 2 Burmeister, 1843 U. Cam. - U. Ord.
- Isotelus 2 DeKay, 1824 [*I. gigas ] M. Ord. - U. Ord.,
North America, Siberia, Northern Europe, Greenland
- family Olenidae 2 Burmeister, 1843 U. Cam. - U. Ord.
- Triarthrus 2 Green, 1832 [*T. beckii ] Ord., North
and South America, Europe
- family Trinucleidae 2 Hawle & Corda, 1847 L. Ord.
- U. Ord.
- Cryptolithus 2 Green, 1832 [*C. tesselatus ] L. Ord.
- U. Ord., North America, British Isles
- order Phacopida 2 Salter 1864
- family Calymenidae 2 Burmeister, 1843
- Flexicalymene 2 Shirley, 1936 [*Calymene caractaci
Salter, 1865] [=Orimops Rafinesque, 1832] M. Ord. - U. Ord., ?Sil., Europe,
North America
- family Pterygometopidae 2 Reed, 1905 M. Ord. - U.
- Calyptaulax (Calliops) 2 Delo, 1935 [*Phacops callicephalus
Hall, 1847] M. Ord. - U. Ord., North America
- family Cheiruridae 2 Salter, 1864 L. Ord. - M. Dev.
- Ceraurus 2 Green, 1832 [*C. pleurexanthemus] M. Ord.
- U. Ord., Europe, Greenland, North America, Himalayas
- class Pauropoda 1
- class Diplopoda 1 - millipedes
- class Chilopoda 1 - centipedes
- class Insecta 1 3 Silurian to Holocene
- Apterygote 1 - primitive wingless insects
- order Thysanura 1 - silverfish and bristletails
- order Diplura 1 -
- order Protura 1 -
- order Collembola 1 - springtails
- Exopterygote 1 - 'primitive winged' insects
- order Ephemeroptera 1 - mayflies
- order Odonata 1 - dragonflies
- order Orthoptera 1 - grasshoppers, crickets
- order Phasmida 1 - stick, leaf insects
- order Dermaptera 1 - earwigs
- order Dictyoptera 1 - cockcroches and praying mantids
- order Isoptera 1 - termites
- Endopterygote 1 - winged insects
- order Neuroptera 1 - alder-flies, lacewings, ant-lions
- order Lepidoptera 1 - butterflies, moths
- order Trichoptera 1 - caddis-flies
- order Siphonaptera 1 - fleas
- order Hymenoptera 1 - ants, bees, wasp
- order Coleoptera 1 - beetles
- class Crustacea 1 3 - barnacles,
lobsters, crabs Cambrian to Holocene 3
- subphylum Crustacea 7
- Crustacea
- Anostraca:
Early Crustaceans
- subclass Cephalocarida 1 -
- subclass Branchiopoda 1 -
- subclass Mystacocarida 1 -
- subclass Copepoda 1 -
- subclass Branchiura 1 -
- subclass Ostracoda 1 - ostracods
- subclass Cirripedia 1 - barnacles
- subclass Malacostraca 1 - higher crustaceans
- (class Malacostraca 7)
- superorder Peracarida 1
- (subclass Eumalacostraca 7)
- order Decapoda 1 7
- superorder Hoplocarida 1
- class Merostomata 1 - horseshoe crabs
- class Pycnogonida 1 - sea spiders
- order Eurypterida - eurypterids
- class Arachnoidea 3
- order Eurypterida 3 - eurypterids Ordovician to Permian
- order Scorpiones 1 - scorpions
- order Pseudoscorpiones 1 - pseudoscorpions
- order Opiliones (Phalangida) 1 - harvestman
- order Acari 1 - ticks and mites
- order Araneae 1 - spiders
- phylum Chaetognatha 1 - arrow worms
- phylum Echinodermata 3 - commonly five-rayed symmetry
Ediacaran(?), Cambrian to Holocene 3
- subphylum Crinozoa 3 - sessile echinoderms
- subphylum Echinozoa 3 - vagrant echinoderms
- class Ophiuroidea 1 - brittle star
- class Echinoidea 3 - sea-urchins, sand dollars Ordovician
to Holocene
- class Holothuroidea 1 - sea-cucumbers
- class Asteroidea 3 - starfish Ordovician to Holocene
- phylum Hemichordata 1 3 - some affinity
to chordates
- class Graptolithea 3 Cambrian to Mississippian
- class Enteropneusta 1 - acorn worms
- class Pterobranchia 1 -
- phylum Chordata 1 3
- Pikaia:
Early Chordate
- subphylum Tunicata 1
- subphylum Vertebrata 1 3
- Vertebrate
Paleontology flmnh
- Vertebrate
- Fossil
Vertebrates in the Burke Museum
- Preserving Vertebrate
- Tynet Burn: Vertebrates of the
Middle Old Red Sandstone
- Fish
- class Agnatha 3 (Marsipobranchii 1)
- jawless fish (hagfishes, lampreys) Cambrian to Holocene 3
- class Placodermii 3 - primitive armored fish Silurian
to Mississippian 3
- class Chondrichthyes 3 (Selechii 1)
- cartilaginous fish (sharks, rays) Silurian to Holocene 3
- class Osteichthyes 3 (Pisces) - bony fish Silurian
to Holocene 3
- subclass Palaeopterygii 1 - sturgeons
- subclass Neopterygii 1
- subclass Crossopterygii 1 - Coelacanths, lungfishes
- class Amphibia 3 Devonian to Holocene
- wmnh Amphibian

- Fossil
Amphibian tracks nmmnh

- Rhizodont and Carboniferous
Amphibian collection hm
- subclass Apsispondyli 1 - vertebrae centra ossified
from cartilage
- superorder Labyrinthodontidae 1 - complex folded tooth
- order Ichthyostegalia 1 - u. devonian - carboniferous
- order Rhacitomi 1 - carboniferous to triassic
- order Stereospondyli 1 - triassic
- order Embolomeri 1 - carboniferous to permian
- order Seymouriamorpha 1 - permian
- superorder Salientia? 1 -
- order Caudata 1 - newts and salamanders
- order Salientia 1 - frogs and toads
- subclass Lepospondyli 1 - vertebrae centra ossified
from notochord
- order Aistopoda 1 - palaeozoic
- class Reptilia 3 Pennsylvanian to Holocene
- subclass Anapsida 3 - turtles, cotylosaur Pennsylvanian
to Holocene
- order Chelonia (Testudines)
- Turtles
- subclass Synapsida 3 - pelycosaurs, therapsids Pennsylvanian
to Triassic
- subclass Euryapsida 3 - icthyosaurs, plesiosaurs Triassic
to Cretaceous
- Ichthyosauria
- Plesiosauria
- subclass Diapsida 3 - crocodiles, lizards, snakes,
dinosaurs(?), pterosaurs Triassic to Holocene 3
- order Rhynchocephalia - Tuatara? 1
- order Crocodylia (Loricata)
- order Squamata 1 - lizards and snakes
- suborder Lacertilia (Sauria) - lizards
- suborder Ophidia (Serpentes) - snakes
- Pterosaurs
- Dinosauria
- class Aves 1 3 8
- birds Jurassic(?) Cretaceous to Holocene 3
- class Mammalia 1 3 8
Triassic to Holocene 3
- Mammals
- North American Fossil
Mammal taxonomy database

- South American mammalian
paleontology ucsb

- Australian Fossil
Mammal Sites world heritage list

- subclass Monotremata (Prototheria) 8 - monotremes
- (order Monotremata (Prototheria)) 1
- family Ornithorynchidae 1 8
- genus Ornithorhynchus 1 8 - platypus
- family Tachyglossidae 1 8 - echidnas
- genus Tachyglossus 1 8
- genus Zaglossus 1 8
- subclass Marsupialia 8 (Metatheria) 1
8 - marsupials
- (order Marsupialia) 1
- fossil genus Diprotodon ??? 8
- fossil genus Nototherium ??? 8
- family Caenolestidae ??? 8
- family Microbiotheriidae ??? 8
- suborder Polyprotodontia 1
- family Didelphidae 1 8- opossums
- family Dasyuridae 1 8
- family Myrmecobildae 1 8 - Numbats
- family Notoryctidae 1 8 - marsupial
- family Peramelidae 1 8 - bandicoots
- suborder Diprotodontia 1 8
- family Phalangeridae 1 8 - possums,
- family Phascolarctidae 1 8 - koalas
- family Vombatidae 1 8 - wombats
- family Macropodidae 1 8 - Kangaroos
- subclass Placentalia (Eutheria) 1 8
- order Insectivora 1 8 - moles, shrews,
- order Dermoptera 1 8 - 'flying lemurs'
- order Chiroptera 1 8 - bats
- suborder Megachiroptera 1 8 - larger
- suborder Microchiroptera 1 8 - smaller
- order Carnivora 1 8
- (suborder Fissipeda 1)
- (suborder Pinnipedia 1)
- order Pinnipedia 8 - seals, sea lions, walrus
- order Primates 1 8
- order Edentata 1 8 - armadillos,
- order Pholidota 1 8 - pangolins
- order Tubulidentata 1 8 - aardvark
- order Rodentia 1 8
- order Lagomorpha 1 8 - rabbits, hares,
- order Sirenia 1 8 - manatees and
- order Cetacea 1 8 - whales and dolphins
- (order Ungulata) 1 8
- order Hyracoidea 1 8 - hyrax
- order Artiodactyla 1 8 - even-toed
- order Perissodactyla 1 8 - odd-toed
- order Proboscidea 1 8 - elephants
- 'order' Conodontophorida 3 phylum and class unknown
- conodonts Cambrian to Triassic
- :
- Trace Fossils
- Microfossils
- notes
- 1 Larousse encyclopedia of animals (traditional Linnean)
(pub. 1962)
- 2 Union college
(SIP/SVP?) (system unknown)
- 3 Fossil taxa page (system unknown) file
unknown email
- 4 Fossil Coleoidea
Page (cladistic?) file Theo Engeser,
FU Berlin email
- 5 Relationships among living and extinct crocodylians
- 6 Assorted pages UCMP
(system unknown)
- 7 Itano
Family Collection file (system unknown) Wayne
Itano email
- 8 Microsoft
Encarta 1994 (Linnean)
- 9 SDSU
Geopark (system unknown) file
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last updated 27 December 1997