Welcome to

Mwoopers's Nook

This page was set up so many years ago, that many of the links are no longer valid. So, I've removed links to many places.

Allegheny Libraries Search
Patent Search Page.

Irreducible Complexity?
There is a minimum number of things
needed to a accomplish a certain task.
So, if all the steps aren't there, the process won't work.
The Challenge! (Part 1)
Blood Clotting! (Part 2)

My Nook of Books

Yes, YOU (of course).

This is an old classmate in place of Uncle Sam.

Years ago, people signed my guest book. Then they stopped. The guest book is not open for signatures at this time, but you can read the old entries.  View Guestbook
Home page music:
  • Dvorak's Humoresque No. 5.

Back to Top This and other selections are at MIDI World.

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