Erin Westergren's HomePage

Erin Westergren's Homepage

My Junior Year Picture Hello! My name is Erin. I'm 23 years old. I'm from Valparaiso, Indiana. I'm currently a graduate of Purdue University with a BS in Organizational Leadership and Supervision and a minor in Computer Technology.
Pictures of me and my family
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Drifter Competitions

Purdue University

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Don't forget to E-MAIL me!!!
Thanks for coming + don't forget to eat a lot of sugar! Oh yeah!!! You can never have too much Mello Yello and Pixie Stix!! SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!!
Remember this song, from Tammy Fay Baker, "When I'm feeling sad, Jesus makes me glad, and opps! Here comes a smile!!" (Inside Joke!!) Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!

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