Kayley's Least Favorite Things
- Sleeping
- Sleeping
- Sleeping
- Sleeping
- Eating Solid Food

Kayley's Favorite Toys
- Baby Tad
- Mr. WiggleWorm
- Baby Phone
- Bugs Bunny

Our Favorite Names for Kayley
- Pumpkin
- Princess
- Sunshine
- Chunky Monkey
- Miss Piggy

Kayley's Signature Moves
- Making a perfect "O" shape with her mouth
- The "Mighty Mouse"...one hand extended
- The "Mr. Myagi"...legs and arms tucked in and then suddenly ejected

Kayley's Favorite Songs
- "Interstate Love Song" - Stone Temple Pilots
- "Rock Around the Clock" - Bill Haley and the Comets
- "Happy Trails" - Roy Rogers
- "3 Little Birds" - Bob Marley
- "Pensacola" - Joan Osborne

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