I am currently employed by the Cleveland FES Center on a
project to restore hand grasp to persons with quadraplegia. The
basic concept of FES (Functional Electrical Stimulation) hand grasp is to
artificially stimulate the muscles of a person's hand based on command
signals which can be derived from a portion of the person's body which
is under voluntary control. In most cases, we place a joystick on the
person's wrist or shoulder. The wrist position is monitored by a
computer, when the appropriate signal is observed, the person's
muscles are stimulated with tiny pulses of electricity. Muscles in
the hand and arm contract and the fingers move so that the person is
now able to manipulate and grasp objects.
For more information on FES. Try the
Cleveland FES Center or
University of Alberta.
The International Society for Biomechanics maintains the
mailing list.
IEEE Home Page:
The Insititute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. See also
an online copy of The Institute an online
copy of the news supplement to IEEE's Spectrum
AOB Home Page (M.E. Müller Institute
for Biomechanics - Biomechanics at the University of
Index of Biomechanics Graduate Programs: Information includes the name,
address, phone, email, and FAX of the program contact person, research areas, advisor/student ratio, availability of assistantships and names of affiliated departments. Maintained by Jill L. McNitt-Gray at 213-740-2492 or
Australian National University Bioinformatics
Biomechanics world wide a WWW site designed to assist all persons in their search for
information on the broad topic of Biomechanics. Generally it points to other
biomechanics and related sites as well as files of relevant information.
Disability Mall:
The "first" Web page for people with disabilities.
NCSA Mosaic Access Page for persons with disabilities.
MRI/CT Volume Data Sets:
Ftp MRI/CT scans of human head(109), knee(127), cadaver head (113), brain with portions of skull removed (109), and some electron density maps for RNS, HIPP and SOD. (Note: These are
stored as raw CT data, not GIF or any other format familiar to
most users.)
The Visible Human Project is an outgrowth of the NLM's 1986 Long-Range Plan. It is creating a
complete, anatomically detailed, three-dimensional representations of the male and female human
body. The current phase of the project is collecting transverse CAT, MRI and cryosection images
of representative male and female cadavers at one millimeter intervals.
The Southern California Orthopedic
Institute Home Page
Orthopædics, Friendly Links