Gerry Freed's
Northern Ohio Rocketry Pictures Page
All photo's were taken by Tri-City Sky Buster Rocketry Club Members,
Unless otherwise noted
Last Up-Dated 04-09-2003
Some Pictures of my vintage Estes Shuttle lifting off on a C6-3
Here are some shots of me and my Black Brant II as it Lifts-Off at NYPower 2000 on 4 Aerotech F50's.
Here are (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10) pictures from our GLRMR-I (May 5, 2001)
Josh Hanna holding a 98mm M Dr.Rockets RMS case for his Level-3 attempt at NYPower 2001
Some pictures
(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) of the two flights of Marty Dorociak's Laser on
a HyperTek "J330 HyEfx" each time from our 12-02-01 Amherst,Ohio Launch Site
How about (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) more pictures from our GLRMR-I (May 5, 2001)
Marty and Crew Padding a HyperTek Hybrid in the background of Paul Bixler's
Saber on a G-64-7 at NYPower 2001
Mark Sadowski's
Bruiser EXP on a Cluster of "2-I's & 1-J"
Tom Sample's Pringles-Can-Do Rocket.."Once you pop the top...You just can't stop"
See a total of
(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8) pictures from our 05-29-99 launch in Ashland,Ohio.
We Launch Rockets "Come H*## or High Water" In Northern Ohio !!
Steps (1)(2)(3)(4) of a "Unfortunate" Rocketry situation.
Mark Snock's Lvl-II Cert. (1)(2)(3) By-The-Numbers.. CONGRATS MARK !!
It would be nice if ALL Lift - Off-s were this picture perfect.
Always remember to tie-down the Ignitor Leads when you hook up you clips !!!
I don't think this was in the Flight Plan that was filed for this launch.
Paul Bixler's Valiant on a G-33-7 from Geneseo,NY (NYPower 2001)
Man did we have a GREAT (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8) time at Ross'
Tripoli-Mid-Ohio GORAJ Launch in central Ohio.
Mark Hanna's Scratch Built Saturn-1B (1)(2)(3)(4) Lives To Launch Again !!
Here are (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) photos from a Club Road Trip to a Tripoli Mid-Ohio Launch.
More club fun working a Club (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) display at Chapel Hill Mall in Akron,Oh.
Just (1)(2)(3)(4) Shots from an impromptu Spencer,Ohio Launch.
Here are (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) Photos from one of our Club Displays at Regal Theaters in
Willoughby & Akron,OH. for the October Sky Movie Promotion February 19-24,1999
Just (1)(2)(3)(4) more photos from various Sky Buster Launches & Road Trips.
Feast your eyes on a NAR# 535 Blast-From-The Past Dan Harold & Charlie Freed
You might note that BOTH look just a little younger !!!!
A realy Awsome "M" powered launch at one of Ross' Launches.
Mike Ray's Tyrannosaurs Tripoli Level-2 certification fight on a J350-W 10.
The rockets max-altitude was just over 4,000'
Mark Snock's EZI from a Magnum/Tripoli Mid-Ohio Launch just begining to smoke.!!
Two pictures of Josh Hanna's Iris (1)(2) at Magnum's December Launch.
Mike (N.Ohio TRA(3) Prefect) Fraley's
Strongarm on a J350.
Just got a few more pictures of Mark Sadowski's (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) rockets
from the 1998 NAR National Sport Launch in Muncie,IN
Here are (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16) pictures from
a club Road-Trip to an Erie,PA Launch
Pat Easter's NCR X-Wing Fighter On-The-Pad and In-The-Air at a Ashland,OH launch.
Terry Matthews' PREMO Green Monster from a BlastOff Rocketry Club Launch
Hot-Off-The-Camera (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) photos from October 17, 1998's
"Malabar Magic" Boy Scout event near Mansfield,Oh
We have (1) (2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)
from a rocketry lass we did at the Canton McKinley Museum.
What a GREAT Picture of Mark & Josh Hanna's Rocket in flight at an Erie,PA Launch
How about some (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) photos from a Ashland,OH Launch
These photos are (1)(2)(3)(4) from one of the Rocketry Classes we held in 1998.
Some (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) pictures from our booth at the Medina Air Show on 07-11-98.
Pictures (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8) from a Rocketry Class, we did at The 1998 McKindley Museum's
Pat Easter's North Coast / Star Wars X-Wing Fighter held by a "Science-Is-Cool-Camp" student.
Josh Hanna Demo-Launches and Recovers his Estes "Death Star" in Canton,Ohio
Some of the GREAT looking Rockets brought to NYPOWER-98 by the Tri-City Sky Busters!
Mark & Bill go through the RSO Process Prior to launching their rockets at NYPOWER-98.
Me with my ACE / ALLEGRO and again as it Lifts off on 3-F62-6 North Coast Dark Stars
Mark Sadowski's LOC/Bruiser EXP and in flight on a RMS K550 at NYPOWER-98.
Terry Johnson, getting his son's Rocket RSO'ed for launch at NYPower-1998.
Terry JUST CAN'T LOOSE this Binder Design's SPIKE though he tried VERY hard using a G35-7
Terry & I found it in the middle of a Bean Field just waiting for us. (Photo by Rich Pitzeruse)
Les Kramer's Great Looking THOY / PHOENIX flys on a H-87 (Photo by Rich Pitzeruse)
Some of our Club members Prep-RMS motors under our Vented club tent in Geneseo,NY.
Terry Johnson with his I'M NOT HAPPY LOOK because of the CATO of his Dr.Rockets 38x500
motor case on a I-195 WOW ! Here you can see his Binder/Samurai as the motor CATOES
Here is the Pre-Launch SIZING-UP of one of my farorite launches at NYPower-1998
The 4" Up-Scale Mosquito Drag-Race, between Rich Pitzeruse (Rocket on left)
And Terry Johnson (Rocket on Right) both on I-211's !!! (Photo by Rich Pitzeruse)
Some More recent pictures (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) from a Freedom-Field / Medina,Ohio Launch
We (Tri-City Sky Busters Rocketry) had a GREAT time at the 1998 NSL in Muncie,Ind.
And here are some pictures (1)(2)(3) to prove it !!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is a a shot of Ray Halm's Full-Scale ARCON & Tim Van Milligan's dog (Lacy) as a bonus.
A few shots of Mark Sadowski's
LOC/Bruiser EXP and here are two more (2)(3).
We had a large enough turn-out (aprox 43) that we needed a Club Tent Area
And here it is the Long Awaited, Tri-City Sky Buster's Ventilated Canopy of RMR Fame.
Terry Johnson's Naked LOC/Magnum as it looked at lift-off from the NSL in May,1998.
Take a look at the proud owner of this LARGE D-Region Tomahawk Mark Hanna.
Some Sky-Busters help pad one of Mark Hanna's Rockets at the 98-NSL in Muncie,Ind.
This was Mark's Level-2 Cert CONGRATS Mark & welcome to HPR LVL-2 !!
Here is a picture of my scratch built 3" Tuna-Roc-I at the NSL-98 on a Vulcan I-250-Smokey Sam.
(Just before it stripped some of each of the 3 fins)
On another of our Club Road Trips, to an AREA-51 PSC DRAGON'S FIRE HPR Launch,
Mark Sadowski got this picture of this 1/2 scale U.S.Army Patroit Misslie as it lifts off.
The launch was so GREAT that it was worth a second picture !!!
A total of(1)(2) pictures of Terry (Rocket-Man) Matthews's GREEN MONSTER
heading for the Sky and this one as it is Parachuting safely back to Earth.
A number of pictures (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) from our Brnder Rd / Elyria,Oh launch site.
Including the Launch of Les Kramer's LOC-IV on a H128 for his NAR Lvl-I Cert.
Take a look at Terry Johnson's LOC/MiniMag lifting off in Mantua,Ohio on an H123.
Is this a Motley Crew or what at one of our Mantua,Ohio Launches.
Mark Sadowski got this Great Lift-Off
at one of PSC's 1997 (Old) Area-51 launches.
Here is a shot of my son Charlie & his Rocket "Hippie" as it Lifts-Off from PSC's Area-51
Here are (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) GREAT pictures from a Rocketry Display & Demo-Night Launch
we held at the December 1997 Cleveland Botanical Gardens Winter-Fest.
Josh Hanna's Great Looking Clustered Gemini/Titan at lift-off
How about an impressive looking launch rack from the 1997 Lorain County Air Show.
Dan Bihary's Son (Drew) Hates-To-Crash as his rocket states.
The whole Bihary family gets involved Even Mom as well as the entire George Christ Family
which had it all thogether..Rockets, Prep. and Recovery at the 1998-NSL in Muncie,Ind.
Here are a couple of Pictures (1)(2) of the LCO area at the 1998 NAR-NSL In Muncie,Ind.
(Then) Club Prez. Neal Bade assembeling his RMS for his next NSL-98 launch.
Marty Dorociak's Level-1 Cert project waits to be launched on Saturday.
Mike Fraley Enjoying the Show from the AMA field in Muncie,Ind.
Larry Freed's Level-1 Cert. By the Numbers (1)(2)(3)(4) from the 98-NSL in Muncie,Ind.
A cople of rockets (1)(2) that have seen better days !!
Steps (1)(2)(3)(4) of an "M" powered launch at one of Tripoli Mid-Ohio's launches
Josh Hanna & Bill Sinkens getting ready for a Day-Of-Rocketry at the AMA field in Muncie,Ind.
Some of Bill Sinkens' Rockets as well as this one Lifting-off at Muncie, Ind.
Jack Thompson shows what his hobby is as he un-loads & preps his trailer-load of rockets.
Unfortunately Jack's LOC/V2 didn't do as well as his other launches that day.
Dave Falkner's Vaughn Brother's Stretch-Blobo on an Estes D-12.
Take a look at (1)(2)(3)(4)pictures from one of our Club-Road-Trips to a PSC Area-51 launch.
While on a business trip, I attended the MALENA-I launch in Valley Mills,Texas
and saw the Instant Gratification II-B project. All of the Red-Caps are
Aerotech G80's & the center is an Aerotech K Reload.
Another view from the Gantry/Trailer. Now That's a ROCKET !!!!
One of our club members certifies on this Level-II flight.
I think most ALL Rocketeers would like to find this 98mm RMS Set in their Christmas stocking.
(Note the Diet-Coke can in the bottom-left of the picture for perspective.)
One of Jim Philips' Rockets, Stars-N-Stripes waits while Mark Sadowski's lifts off at Geneseo,Ny.
Here are two more rocket (1) (2) from 97-NSL / NYPOWER-97
It's my turn to Talk-ROCKETRY at the 1996 Lorain County, Ohio Air-Show.
My Scratch-Built Tuna-Roc-I HPR Level-1 Certification flight (on a Vulcan H-142)
Here are pictures of the 130 Rockets(1)(2)(3)(4) entered in the 46th National Model Plane Show,
and the Trophy's the were hoping to win for their entries.
Tri-City Sky Busters Club President's Car-Load from the April 4th PSC Dragon's Fire Launch.
Another great flight by our Club V.P. Mark Sadowski at 97-NSL/NYPOWER.
My son Charlie & his cousin,Lily Christman (from Boston,Mas.) set-up for an afternoon launch.
How about Dan White's 3-18mm-clustered rocket lifting off , while Dave Falkner's
Estes Broad Sword waits it's turn on the pad.
Neal Bade's Aerotech Warthog just before lifting-off in Richfield,Ohio.
And again as it CATO's on an Estes E15 noted by the arrow.
Three nice D-Region Tomahawks displayed by Mark & Josh Hanna
One of our club member's rockets on the pad
and then heading sky-ward at the NYPOWER launch.
Getting my Vaughn Bros. Blobo. ready to go on an Aerotech D21..It Realy SCREAMS off the pad !!
A great looking Little-Joe I lifts off at a Richfield,Ohio launch.
Pictures from a Model Rocketry Class we held for North Olmsted
City Schools 5th Graders at North Olmsted Park.
Another one at our Medina,Ohio Field, just as the first puff-of-smoke is seen at ignition.
Jim Philips' Mighty Mac from Centaur Rocketry, waits it's turn on the pad
at the 1997 NSL/NYPOWER in Geneeso,Ny.
Larry Freed's Estes Shadow Blasts into the air on an Aerotech E-30.
Posing for a group photo at Pittsburgh,PA's Area-51 (Rocketeers from OH, NY, WVA & PA).
Mark Sadowski's GREAT looking Estes Super Vega just heading sky-ward.
Jim Gibbon's Estes Mean Machine on an Estes D12, clears the launch pad.
Tri-City Sky Busters' Rocket Recovery Crew. (L-to-R... Angie, Justin, Kristy, & Charlie Freed)
One of Jack Thompson's LOC/Clusters heads for the sky at PSC's "area-51.
Neal Bade & Dan Harold Talk-Rocketry at the 46th National Model Plane Show.
One of Dave Falkner's rockets, lifting-off from Freedom Field in Medina,Ohio.
(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) more photos from one of our Medina,Ohio launches.
Club President (Neal Bade's) trophy winning Lance-Beta from the 1997 CAS Mall Show.
Mark Sadowski, hits the launch button on Herb Christ's Estes Mongoose.
A rocket lifts-off as others wait their turns on the Launch Rack.
Larry Freed's Custom Rockets Landviper lifts-off on a cluster of 3-C6's.
Rocket-Man Matt Hudak with his Estes Broadsword & LOC-IV.
Jim Phillips' 3-D to 1-D Clustered, 2-Stage Stars-N-Stripes lifts off.
Patrick Frazer's LOC Norad at launch on an Aerotech "F".
George Christ's Estes Big-Bertha. Some times LAUNCHING is more important than PAINTING.
Setting up for a Demo-Launch at the Lorain County Airshow last year.
An Estes 4-cluster Patroit just leaps off the ground, and then it's near perfect recovery at a
Tri-City Sky Busters Rocketry Club launch in Northern Ohio Launch.
Another Patroit powered by an Aerotech Hybrid at Pittsburgh Space Command's AREA-51.
Tom Campbell's PREMO Scratch Built Apollo Saturn-V on an Aerotech G-Reload.
Terry Matthews' LOC Warlock leaves the ground on I power !!
Here are Count them
(17) photos
of launches from our -NEW- Mantua,Ohio launch site.
Another of our many Full-Launch-Racks at a Northern-Ohio Launch.
I suffered my first ever CATO with my Frequent-Flyer 4-D12 Cluster in Pittsburgh,Pa.
Mark Snock's Aerotech ARCAS Leaps off the launch pad in Mantua,Ohio.
Jim Jennings and his Estes Optma on an Estes D-12, at our Richfield,Ohio launch field.
Shots from one of our Fall-Launches (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8) in Spencer,Ohio.
Steve Demeter Racks a Rocket at one of our Richfield,Ohio Launches.
Here are some more Pictures. This time from a 1996 Dragons-Fire launch at Pittsburgh Space Command's "AREA-51" launch site.
(the launch site was near Pittsburg,PA)
Launch Contol Launch Area Kids waiting their turn The crowd awaits the next launch An arsenal from one carloadThe WAHOO rocket being loaded One long, thin rocket Biggest crayon I've ever seen
Jordan Picking likes this one ! Jonathan Picking learning about Aerotech RMS re-loads Patrick Frazer preparing his final engine of the day.
Preparing for a MAJOR launch
LaunchBlast Off!SMOKE It's not easy to snap the shutter at the right time !
Dan White's Estes Alien Space Probe lift off
Take a look at six different scenes (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) from Mr.Davis' Field in Richfield,Ohio
Designed & Maintained by Gerry Freed,