Peter & Chris Horn
Follow this link to see the progress of the concession stand that we are building at Parkview High School in Lilburn Georgia.
Glass plate pictures:
While cleaning out the attic, we found 3 glass plates that still had photographic images. I had contact prints of the plates printed.
Click on the thumbnail to see a larger image.
Plate #1: Not sure when this was taken. Some trees have Spanish moss and the other trees do not have their leaves. guess it is springtime or fall. Southeastern U.S.A. Maybe Georgia or Florida. There seems to be a lake in the background.
Plate #2: Same house but from the side. There are wires (phone / telegraph / electric) running overhead, so that may help to date the photograph.
Plate #3: Same house but from the side. There seems to be a water tower on top of the center building. I do not see a windmill so that may have been replaced with an electric pump ???
Camera: This is the camera used to take the pictures (I think). It is an English field camera (compact style) c. 1895(?). This camera (see below) is in pretty good shape except for the Shutter
The camera may be a Farrow (E.H. Farrow & Co.) of Hornsey Rise,London, or perhaps an Ensign. Deardorff cameras from 1890-1900 used this shutter design, so that is a possibility, too.
This is the 'English rollerblind' shutter. The canvas ? inside the shutter box has deteriorated but most of the mechanical parts look to be workable This shutter may be typical of those made by Thornton Pickard in the 1890s. If anyone has any ideas on how to repair this, please send me an email.
Another shot.
One more shot.
Under Construction.
Concession Stand Construction: