Robert's Home Page

Hi !

My name is Robert J.M. Barron. I'm 20 years old and live in Israel.

Eventually, this page will contain many many links to space/astronomy sites across the Internet (plus some others which interest me ;) )

Also, this is the site for my "Voyager Shrine".

Click here to go to my Voyager spaceprobe page

These two pages contain most of my Bookmark file. Unfortunately, they've basically been "Dumped" onto the net with little editing on my part. I also can't vouch for them. I Think they all work and that they are OK. I enjoyed them enough to bookmark them, so that says Something doesn't it?

Don't answer that if you know me personally ;)

  1. Here are the Astro-Links.
  2. And these are the Random Hobby Links.Click here

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Last updated : 1.8.1998
If you want to be updated whenever I change something, please write and ask me to inform you.

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