The new method is developed by Dr. Ofer Markman, Ilan Paleiov and by Prof. Morag from Hadasa, Israel.
This method is applicable for all serological-immunological testing, easily automated and
is based on a novel usage of technologies in use in the art.
MASDA is in principle a solid phase serological testing. MASDA's novelty is in
antigen sorting and tracing - a fast method for antigen sorting allows the testing of several
antigens simultaneously. The time saving factor heavily depends on the number of
antigens tested in each sample. For 3-5 antigens a factor of two in time and up to a factor
of two in price is estimated. In today's technology up to fifteen (15) antigens in a test
requires no specific technical complications.
Blood-banks testing is the most obvious usage of MASDA, with a 5-6 antigens in
target. Since it is the practice of surgeons to send patients to "batteries" of tests, hospitals
are also end users. Multi antigen testing is in use now in cancer diagnostics and follow
up, in respiratory virology, in all pregnant women, in many autoimmune disorder
diagnostics and in kidney- and liver-misfunction diagnostics.
A smaller market, that of the research community is also emerging, specifically
the analysis of signal trunsduction pathways. Other applications of the technology in
basic research are also in some stages of development.
Unlike most methods for multi antigen testing emerging this application is based
on computation, is flexible in application, and a fully automated implementation is easily
in vision. It is also much easier to secure patients privacy using this method as compared
to most other developing technologies.
Links to other sites on the Web
MASDA Presentation! See for yourself!
Hadasit New technologies & patents. Look for patent no. 15
That's all for now!
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