This is a parody based on those newspaper photos that American tourists take of forigners wearing American sports clothing. Our local paper, The Charlotte Observer, used to accept pictures of Charlotte Hornets "stuff" on some guy in Peru. It became a game to see who could send in something taken the furtherest distance from Charlotte. Well, The Hornets are gone... SO, here I am in front of the Eiffel Tower with a bottle of JohnBoy & Billy Grllin' Sauce! |
CCD Images Some new images have been added
Film ImagesI'm starting to add some film images
Eclipse Images from Aruba
Eclipse Images from Fécamp, France Under Construction!
Read the Eclipse Adventure! in Fécamp, France
My Resume I NEED a job, so DO look here for someone with a foot in Mainframe and a foot in Client/Server!
IBM Mainframe with background in Banking and Manufacturing
Plus VB6 and other Object arenas
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