Terminal 2000
Terminal 2000

The Place Where You Can Reach The Stars

Page Me, Right Now, Through ICQ

Get A Map Where To View All Launches!

Download Area (almost all freeware)

What Satelite Is Flying Over You?
Click on The Left Picture To Find Out!!!


The Terminal 2000 is a place where you can see when the next Rocket launch is.
You got Information on all the planets just by clicking on them.
This page is a continueation from The Space Terminal
If you like to see who I am,click on the personal link to see pictures of me my family & Friends.
You have the satelites running in real time.They are visable to the eye so be on the look out for them.Or go straight to the Telescope (link below) where you can place a order for the telescope and you will recieve an e-mail when the telescope has your picture then you go and retreave it.
Now there is a map where you can plan where to see a launch from. Download the map and print it so you can take it with you to Cape Canaveral or where ever you are going to view the launch!
There is a download area in Terminal 2000!!! This page will keep getting bigger and better but there is no space related programs to download!(Not Yet) But there is alot of other fun and useful programs so be sure to check it out. The pictures that I'm adding in the Personal Picture section is not complete I need to add writing to it!
This page is complete but there is lots of thing being added freguently so Please Come back!
Be sure to tell me if there are links that don't work so I can fix then.
If you'll like to sign my guess book Please goto The Space Terminal

This Is The Schedule For The Next Rocket Launches(From KSC) Note:These are only From the state of Florida (Link for launches out side florida below)

View Through The


(Click The Picture To The Left)

( the pictures of the planets Mercury,Uranus & Neptune are not the real ones)

Click Here To See Simulations of Planets

In This Page You Can Find Almost Anything.....(Look What Marvin The Martain Had To Say)

Goto The Space Terminal To Veiw The Shuttle Launches

Goto The Space Terminal, Geo-Tronics or Veiw Trough The Telescope ... or Holodeck 3!

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Personal Pictures

Email: Alpha51@juno.com

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