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Human Genome Project
Intellihealth update
Genome map now includes 50% of human genes.
Human Genome Project Information--a great source for interested folks and scientists alike.
Related Sites
Your Genes, Your Choices--describes the Human Genome Project and ethical issues
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Human Genome Center--Check out Livermore's sequencing progress on chromosomes 19, 5, and 16. Also check out other research areas such as microbial genomics, disease susceptibility and prevention, and bioengineering research at their Biology and Biotechnology Research Program page.
- The Sanger Centre--They are part of the Human Genome Project, and they are making great progress on sequencing chromosomes 1, 6, 20, 22, and X. They are also involved in genome sequencing of many other organisms.
- Human Genome Center for Chomosome 22--Part of the Chromosome 22 mapping effort at the University of Pennsylvania.
- The Genome Sequencing Center at Washington University--They are working on several chromosomes, and also Caenorhabditis elegans (a nematode worm very popular for experiments).
- University of Oklahoma's Advanced Center for Genome Technology--They are working on human, mouse, and bacterial genome sequencing.
- Genethon--They are involved with sequencing, mapping, and finding disease genes, and along with CEPH, maintain a public map database.
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory--LBNL is makig progress on chromosome 5, and also they are working on Drosophila melanogaster (fruit flies).
- Whitehead Institute/MIT Genome Sequencing Project--They are working on human and mouse sequencing, and they have recently started a Human SNP Database. (I find SNPs, too. Check out my research.)
Development and Cloning
Conceiving a Clone--Learn how cloning is done, and find out about many myths surrounding cloning. This impressive site was made by high school students.
The Gene Letter--Info on the science behind genetic techniques such as cloning and gene therapy and the resulting impact on society.
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