to my home page!!!
Latest Updated: April 13, 2009


Welcome to knock and open any of the doors at my home, and enjoy!!!
Laboratory        In the lab, I present my researches on precision farming, machine vision, food engineering, artificial neural networks, image processing, fuzzy logic, remote sensing, and others. Plus a Taiwanese folk music of agriculture!
Study Room        Behind the door, you can find the list of my published research results, following by the abstracts. If you want to know more, please feel free to ask the details by email. I guarantee quick responses!
Lounge        The lounge honestly shows my academic career and life. From Republic of China (ROC) in Taiwan to Canada. From the world to GOD. Let's relax and talk about the life and the live.
Library        Wandering through the library, I brace this wonderful virtual world, eat and drink wisdom and intelligence, and enjoy happiness. Everyday I can find something interesting here!
Backyard        The heart and the feelings within human beings may be the most difficult thing to understand in the world. The inner universe within myself always amaze me. The free world.

Any of your comments and suggestions are WELCOME!!!
Please send me e-mail to
There have been  visitors to my home since January 1, 2008.

There have been 2564 visitors in 2008, 3706 visitors in 2007, 3464 visitors in 2006, 3502 visitors in 2005, 3407 visitors in 2004, 3327 visitors in 2003, 3004 visitors in 2002; 2940 visitors in 2001; 2930 visitors in 2000; 2487 visitors to my home in 1999; and 1915 visitors in 1998 to my home.

Thank all of you to visit my home. You are more than welcome to come back. Please make yourself at home!

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