Groenez Gunther - 12/20/00 16:52:47 My URL: My City or Town: Oudenaarde Country: Belgium How did you find my page?: link | Comments: Hi, You've got a very interesting site !!! I put a link to your site on my link page Best regards, Gunther |
David Patrick - 12/20/00 04:19:27 My City or Town: E. Lansing State or Province: MI Country: USA How did you find my page?: friend recommendation | Comments: nice photos |
Jeff Napier - 12/11/00 01:12:10 My Email:Pac City or Town: Brush Prairie State or Province: Washington Country: CLARK How did you find my page?: OBSEVATORY PAGE | Comments: Great page Just got my LX200 8" and look forward to being as good as you are with astro/photo someday! Need clear skies right now though....ha ha |
John J. Beck, M.D. - 12/03/00 14:39:10 My City or Town: Sturgeon Bay State or Province: Wisconsin Country: USA How did you find my page?: link from site below | Comments: Link was from our local Door Peninsula Astronomical Society web page at: |
John J. Beck, M.D. - 12/03/00 14:39:02 My City or Town: Sturgeon Bay State or Province: Wisconsin Country: USA How did you find my page?: link from site below | Comments: Link was from our local Door Peninsula Astronomical Society web page at: |
Doug Watson - 11/27/00 22:01:56 My City or Town: Rochester State or Province: Michigan Country: USA How did you find my page?: Search on astrophotography | Comments: Hey! Very nice site. I really like all your pictures! |
Stacy Pennington - 11/24/00 15:49:14 My URL: My City or Town: Durham State or Province: NC Country: USA How did you find my page?: Google | Comments: Uncle Jimmy! The family is all here for Turkey-Day taking in your page. Looking good! Stacy, Katherine, Joe, Pat, Jaymie, et al... |
Stacy Pennington - 11/24/00 15:38:41 My URL: My City or Town: Durham State or Province: NC Country: USA How did you find my page?: Google | Comments: Hey, Uncle Jimmy! Love the new pics on the updated page. New car looks good. The whole family is over here in Durham for Turkey-Day, taking in your web page. We are enjoying it... Happy Holidays! Stacy, Katherine, et al. |
nikolas - 11/20/00 17:37:35 Country: hellas How did you find my page?: luck | Comments: |
Chris Klinger - 10/23/00 17:30:36 My URL: My City or Town: many State or Province: many Country: USA How did you find my page?: Dinosaur National Monument | Comments: wow, nice site! Sorry it took so long to check it out. After my Ranger job at Dinosaur ended I took an extended road trip. |
Harry Boul - 10/09/00 02:23:23 My City or Town: Columbia State or Province: Missouri Country: U.S.A. How did you find my page?: Lycos search | Comments: |
Tony White - 10/08/00 05:24:49 My City or Town: Tulsa State or Province: OK Country: USA How did you find my page?: web search on Criterion Dynascope | Comments: Nice page, Jim... BTW, if you ever get tired of that 6" custom Dynascope, you just let me know. :) regards, twhite |
Willis Keith Rice - 09/23/00 05:21:28 My City or Town: Searcy State or Province: AR Country: United States How did you find my page?: Search Engine | Comments: This is truly a great site. Thank you for the information about astrophotography as well as the personal information about yourself. As you can see, I am also from Arkansas and also of very "conservative mind". I have been fascinated with astronomy since I was a child. And now, at age 30, I am more interested than ever. Spending time under the stars makes us realize just how humble we should be. It is truly amazing what God has created for us to enjoy. I still have my first 60 mm refractor that my parents bought for me when I was young, but I am planning to purchase an LX 200 soon. But thank you once again for the wonderful site and info, as well as the opportunity to get to know you. His Universe would be an even greater place if there were more people li e you within it. |
george - 09/19/00 21:37:12 My Email:oneoldtrim@aol City or Town: worth State or Province: ill Country: usa How did you find my page?: on the net | Comments: I have a 8" sct and want to try astrophotography but don't know where to start. any help that you could offer would be more then i can find out myself. clear skys george |
- 09/16/00 15:43:24 | Comments: |
ken - 09/10/00 02:12:27 My City or Town: st.pete State or Province: fl How did you find my page?: yahoo hone page | Comments: You have a great web page an the content is informative and your astrophotography is excellent I wish mine was as good. Thanks for sharing your photos with the rest of us astronomers. |
Terri - 09/07/00 18:35:19 My URL: My City or Town: Phoenix State or Province: AZ Country: usa How did you find my page?: yahoo search | Comments: Good photos. Fantastic! |
Beth Perkins - 09/06/00 02:20:55 My City or Town: West Monroe State or Province: LA Country: USA How did you find my page?: Dottie gave me your card | Comments: Jim, Your site is wonderful, sorry I haven't looked at it before. Hope the cotton is HIGH, you know in high cotton. lol/ See ya Beth. |
Rick Drozd - 09/02/00 22:15:19 My URL: My City or Town: St Joseph State or Province: Missouri Country: USA How did you find my page?: Dogpile search engine | Comments: I am just getting into astrophotography. I am totally impressed & overwelmed with your page. I am purchasing a Meade Lx200 & really looking forward to getting into the hobby, especially the astrophotography part of it. I imagine it will be many years before I will be able to produce photos like yours. I am just browsing the Net, trying to learn some before my scope arrives. I bookmarked your page, will be back. I am planning on adding my telescope ventures to my homepage as I photograph them. Rick |
Mike Fink - 08/27/00 19:53:26 My City or Town: Spring Grove State or Province: PA Country: USA How did you find my page?: Building backyard observatory | Comments: |
Zoltán Lauer - 08/16/00 12:25:30 My City or Town: Mosonmagyaróvár Country: Hungary How did you find my page?: Through Yahoo | Comments: Very interesting page. |
Barry Brookshire - 08/12/00 18:10:42 My City or Town: Yukon State or Province: Oklahoma How did you find my page?: Browsing | Comments: This is a great site, very informative. I've alwayse liked astronomy, but have never really got too involved. I'm now 31 and am thinking about getting a scope and the one I have in mind is the Meade 8" LX 200 and your site let me see what the scope and robably alot of patience and practice and do, thanks. |
Arita Schmitter (ABS) - 08/10/00 13:00:24 My City or Town: Wilmington State or Province: NC Country: USA How did you find my page?: Astronomy Forum | Comments: Excellent Photos....thanks for sharing them. |
Theron Graves - 08/07/00 17:47:44 My City or Town: Franklinton State or Province: LA Country: USA How did you find my page?: I was told about it from another person that works for Farm Service Agency. | Comments: |
Theron Graves - 08/07/00 17:38:18 My City or Town: Franklinton State or Province: LA Country: USA How did you find my page?: I was told about it from another person that works for Farm Service Agency. | Comments: |
Teddy Lee - 08/07/00 01:42:41 My City or Town: Hong Kong Country: China How did you find my page?: By browse the net | Comments: This page is useful for me to understand the astrophotogarphic. I try to take some photo base on those methode that I got from this page. Thanks |
Clive Remnant - 08/01/00 20:43:38 My City or Town: Sidmouth State or Province: Devon Country: U.K. How did you find my page?: T.V. | Comments: Fantastic |
rick little - 08/01/00 16:23:55 My City or Town: pensacola State or Province: fl Country: u.s.a. How did you find my page?: through our club web site. | Comments: enjoyed reading the excellent info and looking at your photo's! The club I belong to is the Esacmbia Amateur Astronomers Association in Pensacola,Fl. club web address: |
Adrian Richards - 07/21/00 04:56:31 My URL: My City or Town: Algonac State or Province: Michigan Country: United States How did you find my page?: Astronomy Forum | Comments: The rolloff observatory is exactly what I will be building for the "ASTROCAMPS" if I can ever get my idea off the ground. My first step though is to acquire some land! That takes money so since I am a truck driver by trade, and an Amateur Astronomer by ni ht then I'm off to make some money! Do you know anything about how to start a non-profit org? I hear that they can get land donated, among other things. I want ASTROCAMPS to be non-profit for kids and families. |
Leo Taylor - 07/04/00 17:41:36 My City or Town: Hamden State or Province: CT Country: USA How did you find my page?: Search for Observatory | Comments: Thank you for the step by step instructions on shingling an observatory roof. I'm building an 6x7 roll-off-roof and your website helped a lot. |
Howard C - 07/03/00 00:57:40 My City or Town: Torrance State or Province: CA Country: UCA How did you find my page?: from a friend. | Comments: I am very impressed by your websited and educated at the same time. I am hoping to purchase a Meade etx 90ec, I just hope that I can do a fraction of what you do. If you have any suggestions for a novice like me please email me. Thanks. |
Hope McMahan - 06/26/00 18:44:45 My City or Town: Vonore State or Province: TN Country: USA How did you find my page?: Astrophotography | Comments: Cool Site! |
Joe Cooper Rolfe - 06/21/00 00:14:39 My City or Town: Oak Ridge State or Province: Louisiana Country: USA How did you find my page?: You gave me the address at the Mer Rouge Cafe | Comments: Jim: I am kinda blown away by your page and your photos! Its very interesting. Hope to get to see your setup someday. Stop by and see my blacksmith setup sometimes. JOE |
Doug & Rita Ainsworth - 06/17/00 02:28:33 My City or Town: Oak Grove State or Province: LA Country: United States How did you find my page?: Your wife gave me a card | Comments: Beautiful pictures. We enjoyed viewing them and and are amazed at your talent & skills!!! Beautiful photography. |
Michael Toms - 06/05/00 08:17:25 My City or Town: High Wycombe State or Province: WA Country: Australia How did you find my page?: Yahoo | Comments: I like you observatory set up. I am soon to make an observatory. I might try and make it out of a rain water tank. I am not to sur how the roof is roll on an off. Might need some help in this area. |
Greg Myrick - 06/05/00 04:43:20 My City or Town: Calvert City State or Province: Ky. Country: usa How did you find my page?: just surfing | Comments: I thought your page was very interesting.I am new to astronomy. I purchased a new 8" Meade SCT 203SC500 on a German equatorial mount. It seems very sturdy. I am wanting to get into astrophotography. It does however seem very complicated. I need to get a d al axis drive for my telescope mounting. It did not come with one, but Meade does offer one.Feel free to e-mail me with any advice. It would be appreciated. |
Eric Rousseau - 06/03/00 21:01:49 My URL: My City or Town: Douai 59500 State or Province: Nord Country: France How did you find my page?: You give me URL on atro forum | Comments: Hi Jim Nice, one of the greatest site I have ever seen. Your pics are ... I dont know the word in english In french 'exceptionnellement belles'. something as fantastic, incredible, ...perhaps it's exceptional and beautiful ? Thanks for your help. But I realize I have a lot of work to do to make such a great work. Great Skies (for a great astronomer). Eric |
- 06/03/00 08:20:40 My URL: | Comments: i am just starting out with an 8 in. sct could you advise me on what eye pieces i should use and what typys or brands and what type of camera would give the brst results.thank you very much. terry hess |
Andy - 05/30/00 11:22:49 My URL: My City or Town: Oxford Country: England How did you find my page?: Rick Bright's Astro links | Comments: This is exactly the type of Website I enjoy looking at! Superb astrophotos-more so when you consider that some of them were manually guided. I wish I had the equivalent of your M31 on my site! Keep up the good work! |
Dave La Chapelle - 05/30/00 00:34:15 My City or Town: Milwaukee State or Province: WI 53222 Country: USA How did you find my page?: Checking all Observatoriess | Comments: My son and I are new amateur astronomers of sorts and are looking to buid an observatory of some sort. We have an LX 200 10" Meade and a few smaller refracters (102@80 mm)and intend to get a larger reflecter in the future. I like your setup, but feel we c uld use more space. Did get a lot of info from article---thanks, keep up the good work. Dave @ Joe |
Dave La Chapelle - 05/30/00 00:33:21 My City or Town: Milwaukee State or Province: WI 53222 Country: USA How did you find my page?: Checking all Observatoriess | Comments: My son and I are new amateur astronomers of sorts and are looking to buid an observatory of some sort. We have an LX 200 10" Meade and a few smaller refracters (102@80 mm)and intend to get a larger reflecter in the future. I like your setup, but feel we c uld use more space. Did get a lot of info from article---thanks, keep up the good work. Dave @ Joe |
Mike Patterson - 05/20/00 00:44:54 My City or Town: HighSprings State or Province: Florida Country: USA How did you find my page?: Astrophotography Link | Comments: Very nice page you have Jim.Am currently in the first stage of contemplating an observatory for my 12.5 f/5 reflector.I am also in the process of building the CookBook245 camera.My main problem will probably be the permit for the observatory.Yea I know,do 't worry about a permit but I live 3 blocks from City Hall. Anyway will be in touch. cya,Mike Patterson |
ray picton - 05/18/00 20:35:22 City or Town: swansea Country: u/k How did you find my page?: searched astrophotgraphy | Comments: super site |
Warren - 05/13/00 14:22:03 My City or Town: Weatogue State or Province: Connecticut Country: U.S.A. How did you find my page?: Web search | Comments: Thank you very much for providing this most excellent site. I'm a beginner and this really helps a lot. I am grateful. (my email should be functional by about 5-17-00). |
Astro Al - 05/05/00 01:31:58 My | Comments: Jim, I visited your site a few days ago and didn't have time to give you any feedback. Just wanted to say you have a great site and I really like the fact that you included God's word as part of your site. Keep up the good work! Hope to see more of your wor soon. I was "into" astromony years ago (mid to late 70's)and still get the bug every now and again. I plan to get involved again but may need to get my mirror re-coated. Plan on pulling it out and giving it a good cleaning over the weekend, and go fro there. Al |
kirk - 04/25/00 09:07:23 My City or Town: iowa city State or Province: ia Country: usa How did you find my page?: search engine(astrophotography) | Comments: excellent web page. i have checked it out a couple of times now. i am beginning into astronomy and astrophotography. thank you for all of your insight. |
- 04/21/00 23:47:44 My URL: State or Province: AROK Country: USA How did you find my page?: search same name friend in Arkansas | Comments: Enjoyed my stay and forewarded the site to interested star grazers. Char-Lez |
Tom de Lacey - 04/21/00 09:46:25 My City or Town: Preston State or Province: Lancashire Country: United Kingdom How did you find my page?: Link from: | Comments: Excellent web site. I applaud you for including the quote from Psalm 8. It is very appropiate - who could not concur with the psalmist! Reverend Tom de lacey |
Robert Marrero - 04/21/00 02:55:34 My State or Province: NY Country: USA How did you find my page?: Web search | Comments: |
Paul McBride - 04/12/00 00:00:31 My City or Town: Harrison, State or Province: AR Country: USA How did you find my page?: Astronomy Forum | Comments: Sit on the info please. Cool site there. Nice to meet an estranged Arkie. peepeye |
ronny - 04/10/00 19:18:04 My City or Town: west midlands Country: england How did you find my page?: astronomy forum | Comments: thanks for answering my message in astronomy forum i think you have given me plenty of advice to be going on with.great site keep up the good work and once again thanks. ronny |
Toni Zimmer - 04/05/00 18:25:58 My City or Town: Sparta State or Province: New Jersey Country: USA How did you find my page?: Through Yahoo! | Comments: You have a beautiful website. I have an LX200 10" SCT and recently acquired a decent camera, so I'm ready to try my hand at some photography. Thanks for the primer, and keep up the good work. Toni |
Bob Selles - 03/27/00 17:08:30 My City or Town: Manhattan State or Province: Montana Country: usa How did you find my page?: Yahoo-Astrophotography | Comments: Thank you for your help |
Charles Conlee - 03/27/00 13:13:33 My URL: My City or Town: Blair State or Province: Nebraska Country: USA How did you find my page?: Yahoo | Comments: |
Doug Crenshaw - 03/26/00 22:51:23 My City or Town: Jacksonville State or Province: Florida Country: US of A How did you find my page?: A link from somewhere.... | Comments: Well, I kinda liked it. I went to the least visited part first, cuz I like to do things different from most folks. If their all headed one way, I figure I better go the other. I'm thinking about buying a Meade LX-10 and 35mm camera and givin it a shot...w at do you think ? |
Shawn - 03/24/00 01:22:59 My City or Town: Kennesaw State or Province: GA Country: USA How did you find my page?: Weasner's Mighty ETX | Comments: I like the photos. I will send you a picture of the moon. Let me know if you like it. |
Mike Allen - 03/07/00 21:57:19 My City or Town: Bucyrus State or Province: Ohio | Comments: Best site I'v seen for details on observatory construction. One question. Have you had any problems with foundation blocks shifting or sinking unevenly into the soil? |
canan - 03/07/00 20:36:09 My City or Town: istanbul Country: turkey How did you find my page?: :))) | Comments: I loved your page! I'm a beginner and I have a Celestar8. I found your page very helpful. I will try to keep all your advice. Thanks and love to your family! |
Jerry aka Orion - 03/04/00 07:47:48 My State or Province: North West Ohio Country: U.S.A. How did you find my page?: astronomy forum | Comments: Well done!! Also enjoyed the "about me" keep up the great work. |
Max Brown - 03/03/00 10:53:17 My City or Town: Tuckerman State or Province: Arkansas How did you find my page?: Your Brother | Comments: I really enjoyed the pitchers |
Rick Oden - 03/03/00 03:38:46 My City or Town: bastrop State or Province: la How did you find my page?: Rick Mulhern | Comments: Beautiful!!!! |
Don Culver - 03/01/00 02:42:26 My City or Town: Trussville State or Province: Al Country: U S A How did you find my page?: Recommended by a friend | Comments: |
John Talmage - 03/01/00 01:45:51 My City or Town: Springville State or Province: Alabama Country: USA How did you find my page?: Someone on a Canon Photography List who was giving me some tips on getting started in astrophotography. | Comments: Jim-- I'm sure that you've heard this often, and I may have signed in to your page before and said it before. But your page is absolutely one of the best of any kind I've seen. I'm reading your manual online to get some thoughts on buying a new telescope. Th nks for sharing your work with us. John |
steve grissom - 02/29/00 03:18:36 My City or Town: rayville State or Province: la Country: usa How did you find my page?: from you | Comments: i book marked for the grandkids |
Travis - 02/25/00 01:20:37 My City or Town: Philadelphia State or Province: PA Country: USA How did you find my page?: Yahoo | Comments: Wonderful Site - Looking for tips on photographing DSOs, you seem to have it licked. It's inspiring to me to know that with more practice I'll eventually get it right. Thanks |
Nina - 02/22/00 15:42:59 My URL: My City or Town: The "Crater" State or Province: The Moon Country: Outerspace How did you find my page?: i was looking for a good way to get excited so i looked under stars and i found this way too cool wesite!! | Comments: i absolutely love this website!! i mean i thought i knew alot about stars since i live in outerspace and all but i learned so much from this website! u + me = us..i know my calculus... |
Joshua Bell - 02/18/00 16:19:12 City or Town: Mason State or Province: Illinios Country: USA How did you find my page?: astronomy search | Comments: Nice pics! Just got into stargazing about two months ago. Would like to get into photography in the future. |
Mandye Blackmon - 02/15/00 16:00:35 My City or Town: Monroe State or Province: LA Country: USA How did you find my page?: Christy | Comments: You need to update that web page. Christy works for a lawfirm in Monroe now...hehehe....I loved your web page and I am going to show my husband. It is too coooooollll. |
Tom Moulton - 02/14/00 18:15:23 My URL: My City or Town: Palm Harbor State or Province: Florida Country: USA How did you find my page?: search | Comments: in "Prime Focus Photography and the Horror of Focusing" You talk about finding the object and then going to a star and focusing and going back to take shot. Since the focus doesn't change when you move scope why couldn't you focus before getting the object? Focus early and often... i donno just a thought |
Bob Hayes - 02/12/00 14:08:55 My City or Town: Baldwinsville State or Province: NY Country: USA How did you find my page?: Search agent | Comments: |
Courtney Stevenson - 02/09/00 21:57:28 My City or Town: Oak Ridge State or Province: La Country: USA How did you find my page?: you told me | Comments: that is the coolest stuff i have seen!! i wish i had a telescope to look at stuff like that. thanks for telling me. i will continue to look to see what you find next. |
Dave A. - 02/05/00 01:44:33 My URL: My City or Town: Ft. Wayne State or Province: IN. Country: U.S. How did you find my page?: Browsing | Comments: Great information. |
Bob Heydasch - 02/04/00 01:20:56 My City or Town: Knoxville State or Province: TN How did you find my page?: astrophotography search on "dogpile" search engine | Comments: Great site. I will return. |
Eric Costanzo - 01/26/00 22:24:31 My State or Province: OK How did you find my page?: Met you in a chat room in Astronomy Forum | Comments: |
Ronald Hanes - 01/26/00 18:53:54 City or Town: P O Box23 , Agra State or Province: Oklahoma 74824 Country: U S A How did you find my page?: Looked up Astrophotography | Comments: Would like to correspond With you by mail I have an LX50 Meade 7" Maksutov I Have no e mail at home. Want to get started in photography through scope! |
Richard Just - 01/24/00 04:28:44 My URL: My City or Town: Bellingham State or Province: Washington Country: USA How did you find my page?: You gave it to me | Comments: Very, Very nice. Especially for a farmer |
Sue - 01/23/00 18:07:01 My State or Province: WV Country: USA How did you find my page?: MSN.communities.astronomy forum | Comments: Very nice site |
Bill McCarthy - 01/20/00 02:14:01 My City or Town: Hopewell Township State or Province: NJ Country: USA How did you find my page?: surfing! | Comments: Just got LX10. Not set up yet - mounting hardware missing upon scope arrival. Hope to get into astrophotography in near future. |
Bob Hayes - 01/16/00 13:00:56 My City or Town: Baldwinsville State or Province: NY Country: USA How did you find my page?: Surfin | Comments: I'm purchasing a new LX 200 10" F/6.3 in February.I may just copy your observatory for it. Thanks for the info. You have a nice site. Clear Skies, Bob Hayes |
James Holbrook - 01/16/00 03:07:43 My City or Town: Austin State or Province: TX Country: USA How did you find my page?: Yahoo search | Comments: I fell into a trance when I took a "Department Store" 3.5 Newt into the drive way and looked up at the full moon. I could not take my eyes off of it. Then I swung over to Jupiter. I could see the bands !!! I was almost beside myself. The topper was when I lined up on Saturn. I literaly jumped up in the air! I knew right away that I needed a higher quality scope so I ordered an 8" Newt with EQ mount. Your web site has cleared up many things for me. I feel that I have a much better grasp of Polar Alignment. our explanation of the process of taking astrophotos has opened my eyes to the fact that it will take work but your pictures are an inspiration. I only hope that I can get close !! Thanks for a wonderful site. James |
Winford J. Barlow - 01/12/00 16:46:06 My URL: My City or Town: Hildale State or Province: Utah Country: USA How did you find my page?: Looking for camera battries | Comments: Hello. Very interesting stuff, I tried my luck at a startrails picture and it turned out very well. you can look at it at: Please let me know what you think. A quarter moon was out so with a 15 min. exposure it made the mountians look like mid-day but the startrails are very visable. |
dan mays - 01/10/00 01:45:52 My City or Town: rochester State or Province: indiana Country: us How did you find my page?: looking around | Comments: very awesome page. |
sid young - 01/08/00 06:12:34 My | Comments: This page loaded in about 2 secs on my new ISP. If you get a change to switch to Cable do it. I had to put a seatbelt on my computer chair. LOL Thanks for Mandy's pic. |
Rev. Randy Kanipe - 01/03/00 23:11:59 My City or Town: Brooks State or Province: Georgia Country: USA How did you find my page?: Yahoo search | Comments: Perhaps the most striking feature, is the photos along with words from Psalm 8. I have loved the stars - and the study of such - for years. Just bought my first telescope last year (8 inch NR, Eq mount, RA motor drive - Meade Starfinder!) Wanting to do so e moon and planetary photography. I thought I was the only astronomer out there who has an appreciation for science, and a love for God. Your site is encouraging and refreshing. Thank you. Randy Kanipe, Brooks United Methodist Church |
Tate Odom - 01/03/00 10:19:55 My URL: My City or Town: Lake Mary State or Province: Florida Country: USA How did you find my page?: Neighbor | Comments: I'm the next door neighbor to Barbara & Bob Watson. Barbara said I'd enjoy the photos. They're excellent! Tate Odom |
Barb - 01/03/00 01:02:30 My | Comments: Jim, I couldn't find anything about a monkey, as your email suggested........are you serious? |
Mike Edge - 12/30/99 14:28:08 My City or Town: Noblesville State or Province: IN Country: USA How did you find my page?: Yahoo | Comments: Great pages! Thanks. I have a 8" LX10 and have been having problems with astrophotography. Thanks for the hints and helps. |
Anntonette aka Spacegirl - 12/27/99 06:20:50 My URL: My City or Town: Sydney State or Province: NSW Country: Australia How did you find my page?: Cape Canaveral Webring | Comments: I am very much impressed - especially since I fell over all your awards! Astrophotography is new to me - I would like to get involoved but I think it is rather expensive. Have you got estimates for some types of equipment? |
Rose M. Lowe - 12/23/99 12:42:38 My City or Town: Clemson State or Province: SC Country: USA How did you find my page?: Keith's home page | Comments: |
Major Richard E. Mulhern, Ret. U.S. Army - 12/20/99 23:24:14 My City or Town: Sheboygan State or Province: WI Country: USA How did you find my page?: Ricky Mulhern, Brother | Comments: A very professionl display of your photography skills. I viewed these without knowing what telescope took the pictures and assumed that they were taken by the Hubble Telescope. To my great suprise they were done by you. I must say a job, profession, or ho by very meticulously performed. If you are ever near Sheboygan, WI please give me a ring and you would be welcomed to stay. Merry Christmas Richard Mulhern Major, U.S. Army Retired Certified Adult Nurse Practitioner Medical/Legal Nursing Consultant |
Rick Mulhern - 12/16/99 23:24:13 My City or Town: Rayville State or Province: La. Country: USA How did you find my page?: Fantastic! | Comments: Great job Jim.....just maybe you NEED TO CONSIDER being a professional photographer! You ain't nowhere near being to old to start a second career...I did!! |
Sam Rua - 12/13/99 22:08:40 My URL: My City or Town: Tucson State or Province: AZ How did you find my page?: Stellar Visions Webring | Comments: Nice astronomy site, Jim. I'm always pleased to see astronomy sites by people who are actually doing astronomy. Keep up the good work. |
phillip peacock - 12/13/99 15:05:43 My City or Town: stockton Country: england How did you find my page?: yahoo search | Comments: well done. some exellent photos you have taken with that telaescope.i currently have a 6 inch motor driven equatorial reflector.wondered if you could give some information on how to properly polar alighn the scope, and how to use the setting circles prope ly as you obviously know how by your brilliant photos.would be gratefull if you could e mail me back with the information thanks very much and merry christmas bye phill |
Kristina - 12/09/99 03:12:55 My URL: My City or Town: Chicago State or Province: IL Country: USA How did you find my page?: guestbook link | Comments: Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones :~) *smile* ![]() ![]()
Stephan P. Gee - 12/02/99 23:41:03 My URL: My City or Town: New Iberia State or Province: Louisiana Country: U.S.A. How did you find my page?: Through the Yahoo search engine as I was searching for astrophotography. | Comments: You have a wonderful website concerning astronomy. I find astronomy to be fascinating. I have never had the money to invest in a telescope in the past, but I now have a 4.5" Meade reflector. I am going to be investing in Celestron's Nexstar 5 telescope which is hot on the market right now. I am in the process of studying about astrophotography and getting myself prepared with the knowledge of the good and bad to it. I have been blessed with patience, so I believe I will do great in it. I want to than you for your input on the internet of your knowledge and of your work. God bless you! |
eric peterson - 11/25/99 06:36:01 My City or Town: columbia State or Province: Mo. | Comments: Nice pix. I enjoy stargazing, don't have a good telescope, but do have a good camera. Hope to get into astrophotography someday. |
Rob - 11/22/99 18:19:13 My City or Town: St Louis State or Province: MO Country: USA How did you find my page?: Search engine for astrophotography | Comments: Great great site! I'm so impressed with the photographs you've taken and especially with your observatory! Wow! I'm sure you can tell that I'm brand new to all this but, your site and the things you've done really inspire me to continue on with finding out more. Thanks for a great site. Well done! |
Robert Layden - 11/19/99 16:58:54 My City or Town: Livonia State or Province: MI Country: USA How did you find my page?: Yahoo! | Comments: Just starting - looking for all the info I can get. Thanks. |
Gavin Kerr - 11/18/99 15:04:31 How did you find my page?: Luck | Comments: Excellent sight. Thanks. |
E C YARTER - 11/15/99 02:38:01 My City or Town: MARANA State or Province: AZ Country: USA How did you find my page?: word of mouth | Comments: Your photos are beautiful as well as interesting. I also like the pix and reading at the Hubble site. Thanks--I'll be back. |
Laura - 11/14/99 19:01:53 My City or Town: Tucson State or Province: AZ Country: USA How did you find my page?: We sorta met via chat room about a year and a half ago. I just saved your page in favorites. | Comments: Very nicely done. Beautiful. |
Tom Chudy - 11/11/99 21:38:20 My City or Town: Goshen State or Province: NY Country: USA How did you find my page?: usenet | Comments: I'm considering buying a Celestron Celestar 8" Deluxe Computerized. I'm relatively new to the hobby. Great site!! |
Liga - 11/11/99 14:56:10 My City or Town: Liepaja Country: Latvija How did you find my page?: I wanted to find something about the stars we can see every night in the sky. That's how I found this page. | Comments: Right now I don't have time to find something more, but I will come again one day! See you ! |
John - 11/11/99 05:53:03 My City or Town: Jacksonville State or Province: Florida How did you find my page?: Email list | Comments: Very cool site! I'm just gtting started in Astrophotography using my LX200 10", and after visiting your site, I might try my hand at constructing my own observatory! Thank you for all the great information... PS - How long until the SBIG article??! |
Lenzie - 10/28/99 02:44:57 My City or Town: Lewisville State or Province: TX Country: USA How did you find my page?: surfing | Comments: you've got a lot of useful info. here that i definetly needed. i have to do a project for my astronomy course and i picked astrophotography because i'm really interested in it. being that i'm a beginner in all of this, i figured my best bet was to take p otos of what i love the most...the moon. but after reading your about cameras, i found that mine will not do. it's a canon 35mm but has an automatic shutter. if you even read this, i would be very appreciative if you could give me some beginner's tips. thanks, Lenzie |
Dot - 10/09/99 04:30:34 | Comments: I like your additions |
Mike Roberts - 09/29/99 10:16:15 My URL: My City or Town: Brisbane State or Province: Queensland Country: Australia How did you find my page?: Dogpile search on : astrophotography | Comments: Great help.I have a Celestar 8 with RA tracking.I have huge problems trying to get decent-size planet images and get focus.Don't quite get the two holes 180 deg. apart for focus.I have tried 2X barlow and camera doublers and triplers plus 25 mm eyepiece i extender but focus is hopeless.Best regards for your practical remarks.Do you kknow of a clear-glass old 35 mm focus camera?Is a tele-extender just more trouble? |
Mike Roberts - 09/29/99 10:16:08 My URL: My City or Town: Brisbane State or Province: Queensland Country: Australia How did you find my page?: Dogpile search on : astrophotography | Comments: Great help.I have a Celestar 8 with RA tracking.I have huge problems trying to get decent-size planet images and get focus.Don't quite get the two holes 180 deg. apart for focus.I have tried 2X barlow and camera doublers and triplers plus 25 mm eyepiece i extender but focus is hopeless.Best regards for your practical remarks.Do you kknow of a clear-glass old 35 mm focus camera?Is a tele-extender just more trouble? |
Rachel - 09/27/99 22:12:39 My Email:swimmgirl.juno,com City or Town: Whitehouse State or Province: tx Country: usa How did you find my page?: Science fair project research | Comments: I love the first thing you wrote on the page Psalms 2:3-4 |
test - 09/08/99 20:28:04 | Comments: |
Robert DeBlieux - 08/26/99 03:12:56 My Email:rdeblieux@COLLA.COM City or Town: Bastrop State or Province: La. 71220 How did you find my page?: my E-Mail | Comments: Thanks for helping me to contact you. I have not done very much on this kind of contact. All of mine is usually to the insurance home office. You will probably have to bare with me until I get a a little more formular, with connections. Robert |
coniece - 08/21/99 15:07:44 My City or Town: delhi State or Province: la Country: usa How did you find my page?: not because I know how! | Comments: Hey Jim, these are great pictures! Had a heck of a time getting here. You know, I know sooo much about how to get around of this computer. I don't know if I'v seen it all, but I'll be back! I do know how to choose favorites. |
Fritz Strube - 08/19/99 01:28:14 My City or Town: Toronto State or Province: Ontario Country: CANADA How did you find my page?: altavista search | Comments: Hi Nice site. Informative. Great photos. I'm looking forward to freezing my mosquito bitten butt off using my new ETX125EC. |
Charles Cassidy - 08/09/99 20:05:13 My City or Town: Sparks State or Province: MD How did you find my page?: Search and luck! | Comments: I'll be back. |
fabrizio montauti - 08/09/99 18:31:38 My City or Town: san jose State or Province: ca Country: USA How did you find my page?: yahoo search engine | Comments: Your primer on astrophotgraphy is very interesting and educating. I am going to start astrophotgraphy and every bit of information is very interesting to me. Fabrizio |
Brent Musat - 08/08/99 22:37:52 My City or Town: Austin State or Province: TX Country: USA How did you find my page?: Dogpile (search engine) | Comments: I just recently got into photography, and I've always been interested in astronomy.. I now have the chance to do both at the same time!.. very informative site.. I need to find a nice dark location outside of the city and try some pictures with a 50mm tripod mounted camera.. thanks.! |
Freddie van ter Beek - 07/29/99 11:22:10 My URL: My City or Town: Zwolle Country: Netherlands How did you find my page?: through a linkpage | Comments: Great website, fab photo's, extensive explanations are great for me as starting astro-observers/photographer. i like it!!! greetz, Freddie |
Ian - 07/22/99 11:43:46 My Email:n/a City or Town: Perth State or Province: West Australia Country: Australia How did you find my page?: via metacrawler | Comments: Nice concise pages on astrophotography with just one minor error :) Prime Focus is actually the point of Focus of the Primary Optical Component in the OTA (ie the main mirror or lens) hence Prime focus for an SCT is the location of the secondary and is properly called the Cassegrainian Focus (or Newtonian Focus if it's a ewtonian Reflector etc.) Okay so I'm being picky but accuracy is something that is forsaken by many amateurs and magazines like S&T, Astronomy and so on are too lazy to educate amateurs in the proper terminology. Clear Skies |
Dale Chamberlain - 07/04/99 15:45:43 My City or Town: Brighton State or Province: Illinois Country: USA How did you find my page?: Referred by Bill Nunnelee | Comments: The content of your site seems very relavent to me. I am an amateur, and just starting out in astrophotography. Finding out that it is quite frustrating. |
Karen Guetzow - 07/01/99 17:43:08 My City or Town: San Benito State or Province: Tx Country: USA How did you find my page?: Web search with yahoo | Comments: I am enjoying your very informative website. I actually have to dust off my telescope and do a standard night of observing before I embark on astrophotography. It's been awhile since I used my Schmidt-Cassegrain 2080B telescope. I'll probably get start d with astrophotography when the smoke clears after every astromomers worst night, July 4th! I have a nephew who is interested in astronomy and now astrophotography, too, and has a science summer project involving the two. I'm the amateur astronomer of he family and my husband likes photography. We'll see what we can do. I'm a little nervous about this. I hope you won't mind a few e-mails from me this month. Thanks. |
Gina Hodges - 07/01/99 14:31:22 My City or Town: Brookfield State or Province: Wisconsin Country: USA How did you find my page?: search on keyword | Comments: Your site has provided a great deal of information that, from an astro-novice's point of view, is well written and greatly appreciated. |
- 06/29/99 22:45:40 | Comments: |