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"Co ve vecnosti lezi, mrtve neni,
v zahade veku i smrt se ve smrt zmeni."
Takze nazdar, zdravim vsechny Internetove nadsence.
Myslim, ze tato
stranka neni nejaky prilis velky prulom ve WWW svete, ale mohla by
se casem vylepsit, uvidime. Uz ted padlo nekolik navrhu a na jejich
relizaci si vyhrazuji velky casovy prostor. No, uvidime casem. Ted
je to spis jenom takovy pokus.
Takze preju prijemne pocteni.
Tema 1: Diablo
Hmm, zajimave to tema nebot Diabla zeru i s botama a
v pravidelnych casovych intervalech me muzete najit na Battle.Netu
(hledejte: Sarnegarth). Muj domovsky chat je z pochopitelnych duvodu "Diablo
Retail CZE-1". No, tam se muzeme obcas i potkat, jinak casto se
zaklada hra jmenem CZ a heslem taktez CZ. I tam je dobre zkouset.
Moje diablomanie zacala ve chvili, kdy se na
CD objevilo demo tehle
bozske hry a ja stravil dlouhou noc kompletnim projitim udeleneho prostoru,
prodanim uplne vseho, co jsem nasel a nakoupenim vseho na, co jsem mel.
Tady upozornuji, ze jsem nikdy necheatoval (a asi nikdy nebudu) a nikdy ani
neklonoval veci. Cokoli jsem mel od nekoho prevzit, vzdy jsem se ptal, kde
k te veci prisel. No po tom demu jsem lacne cekal a dockal se. Kompletni
Diablo. Po dohrani single game, prisla na radu kratka odmlka, pak pripojeni
k Internetu a opet Diablo na plne obratky. Hra, ktera rozhodne stoji za
Uvedu tady nekolik rad pro zacatecniky:
- K zakladni orientaci slouzi nekolik prikazu na chatu. Najdete jejich
popis, kdyz zmacknete F1 a prectete si help. Nejdulezitejsi je asi
/whois "Jmeno". Predevsim vam vypise, ze dotycna osoba na Battle.Netu
neni nebo vam oznami, kde ji najdete. Zkuste: "/whois Sarnegarth".
- Kdyz si povidate v chatu, mrknete na jmena pritomnych a na sloupecky
za jejich jmeny. Ty sloupce vyjadruji rychlost spojeni k danemu cloveku
(pozor, neplati to oboustranne, to, ze od vas k nemu jde informace rychle,
jeste neznamena, ze pujde rychle i od nej k vam). Takze, jestli chcete
sviznejsi hru, hrajte pouze, kdyz jsou sloupecky zelene ci zlute.
- Ted takova rada ke komunikaci s anglicky mluvicimi hraci. Ustalilo
se par zkratek. Asi prvni na, kterou brzo narazite je PK (Player Killer),
cimz se oznacuji hraci, kteri nemaji zabrany zabijet jine hrace. Dalsim
vyrazem je slovo LEGIT, coz je k pochopeni: vse, co neni hacknute,
nacheatovane, nadopovane, puvodne neexistujici ve hre apod. Mohl bych se
zminit i o obratech jako treba NP (No problem), ale to i v ceske sekci
se rika D (diky), Ok, NZ (neni zac) ...
- Battle.Net je obcas vesela obec. Nedoporucuju duverovat zpocatku kazdemu,
na koho narazite. Moje prvni zazitky ze hry byly smrt a okradeni o vsechny
veci. Pak jsem se taky dozvedel o pripadu napaleneho hrace, kteremu bylo
receno, ze u krav ve meste je tajny level. ;-)
Tema 2: Pascal
Takze hned zkraje: ano, programuji. A dost me to bavi.
Casem sem predhodim par ukazek, co jsem jako spichnul. Bude to vsechno pod
DOSem. Ale bude se vam to libit, uvidite. No, nahraju sem asi i nejaky
dema od ruznejch kamosu a tak (vid Venco :-)). A pro Nicka specialne budu
zverejnovat ukoly z programovani. Hmm, to bude asi GeoCitiesskou obec velice
zajimat, ze?
Ja tady nadhodim takovy tema: co je lepsi pole (array) nebo binarni strom
(binary tree)? Co se tyce rychlosti ve vyhledavani, zakladani, ukladani,
nacitani a srozumitelnosti, pochopitelnosti a jednoduchosti. Umet to udelat
v HTML, tak sem ted hodim dve polozky a hlasujte, ale az nekdy priste.
Hmm, tak tu mam pro vas prvni darecek ve forme meho FontEditoru. Zkuste
se na nej mrknout. Je to nostalgie z DOSovoych dob.
Download FontEditoru
Tema 3: Teorie vseho
Cetl jsem par uryvku z velice zajimave knihy Teorie
vseho. Pokud to mam v kratkosti charakterizovat: velice zajimave, misty
velice slozite a tezko pochopitelne, casto abstraktni, neco mezi matematikou
a fyzikou, poucne cteni, doporucuji.
Autor: John D. Barrow.
Tema 4: Hudba
Tady jsem chtel jenom zminit, co posloucham za muziku.
Priznam barvu v tomto vyctu (serazeno od nejmilovanejsich az po ty temer
zapomenute) : The Prodigy, Rage Against The Machine, Korn, Depeche Mode,
Nirvana, muzikaly (Jesus, Hair, Krysar), Naceva, Sepultura, Pink Floyd,
Queen, Daniel Landa, Metallica, Mike Oldfield, Brutus, Lucie, King Diamond,
Rapmasters, Iron Maiden a stovky dalsich.
Tema 5: Gustav Meyrink
A na zaver prosba o pomoc. Mam na literaturu napsat
seminarni praci o Gustavu Meyrinkovi (rozsah aspon 30 stran; zivotopis a
interpretace Golema). Kdyby se nasel nekdo, kdo by mi dokazal jakkoli pomoci,
budu mu vdecen za jakoukoli postu.
Tak jsem to prave dopsal a muzu se s vami rozloucit a
rict: nashledanou u pristiho updatu teto stranky.
"That is not dead which can eternal lie
and with strange aeons even death may die."
So hi, I greet all Internet fans. I think that
this page isn't some of the best WWW on the world, but it can grow better
in the future, we will see. For now I have some suggestions and I reserve
a lot of time for their realisation. Well, we will see that. For now is
this page something like a experiment.
So I wish you good reading.
Theme 1: Diablo
Well, it's very interesting theme because I love this
game and in periodical time intervals you can find me on Battle.Net (search
for Sarnegarth). My home chat is for understanding reason "Diablo Retail
CZE-1". So, we can meet there, often is found the game "CZ" with the same
password. You can try that.
My diablomania began when on
CD appear the pre-release demo of this godly game and I was the whole night
going through the labyrinth, selling everything I found and buying everything
for what I had enough gold. Here I must say something: I was never cheating
or duping. When I wanted to take something from the other, I always asked for
the origin of the thing. So, after that demo I only waited. And then: complete
Diablo. After finishing single game, there was a short pause, and then the
connection to Internet and again Diablo on the full throttle. The game you
must try.
I want to say some advices for the beginners:
- To the basic orientation can serve you some commands available on chat.
You can find their description when you press F1. The most important is
probably /whois "Name". Try: "/whois Sarnegarth".
- When you are talking on chat, look at the names of your friends and at
the bars beyond them. These bars represent the speed of connection to this
man (warning, it isn't the same: from you to him and from him to you). So
if you want to play fast game, you should play only with someone, who has
green or yellow bars beyond his name.
- Now some advices how to communicate with english-speaking players.
There are some short-cuts using. The first you will probably meet soon is
PK (Player Killer), which sign all players that kill other player. Or you
can hear short-cuts such a NP (No problem). But if you are reading this
you are probably english-speaking person and you understand that.
- Often you can find on Battle.Net some jokers, with jokes like: "In the
town near the cows there are a secret level." I don't recommend to trust
anybody. My first experience in the game was death and stealing everything
I had. So beware.
Theme 2: Pascal
In the beginning: yes, I love programming. In the future
I will upload here some demos that I have done. I will be for DOS. But you
enjoy it, you will see. Well, I will upload here also some demos from my
friends (ok, System II ?). And specially for Pleskan I will publish the
homework from Prg. Uhmmm, it will be very interesting, or not? :-(
I have one question for you: what is better array or binary tree? In speed
of searching, inserting, saving, loading and in intelligibility,
comprehensibility and simplicity. If I can do this in HTML, I would make
here two lines to voting, but maybe in the future.
Well, I have the first present for you in form of my own FontEditor. Try it.
It is a nostalgy from DOS's times.
Download FontEditor
Theme 3: Theories of Everything
I have read a very interesting book: Theories of
Everything. If I should write short description: very interesting, sometimes
very difficult to understand, often abstract, something between math and
physics, instructive reading, I recommend it.
Author: John D. Barrow.
Theme 4: Music
Here I only want to mention what kind of music I'm
listening to. I plead guilty in this list (sorted in this way: the first
is the group I love most) : The Prodigy, Rage Against The Machine, Korn,
Depeche Mode, Nirvana, musicals (Jesus, Hair, The Rat-catcher), Naceva,
Sepultura, Pink Floyd, Queen, Daniel Landa, Metallica, Mike Oldfield,
Brutus, Lucie, King Diamond, Rapmasters, Iron Maiden etc.
Theme 5: Gustav Meyrink
At the end I have one request. I should write seminary
work about Gustav Meyrink on literature (in extent of 30 pages; biography and
interpretation of Golem). If you can help me, I will be thankful for any
mail to me.
So I have written it and I can say goodbye. See you
on my updated page.
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