Les publications.
La bibliographie due a FEYNMAN est enorme et je ne citerai ici que les articles et ouvrages
principaux ecrits de sa main ou en collaboration avec d'autres auteurs, en omettant ses essais
de jeunesse et quelques manuscrits de moindre importance.
Forces in molecules, Physical Review, 56:340. (1939)
Reaction of the Absorber as the Mechanism of Radiative Damping.
Physical Review, 59:682. (1941) : Feynman et J.A.Wheeler
The Principle of Least Action in Quantum Mechanics, (1942) :
These de Doctorat a l'Universite de Princeton
Interaction with the Absorber as the Mechanism of Radiation,
Review of Modern Physics, 17:157. (1945) :
Feynman et J.A.Wheeler
Space-Time Approach to Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanic,
Review of Modern Physics, 20:367. (1948)
Pocono Conference, Physics Today, 8 Juin. (1948)
The Theory of Positrons, Physical Review, 76:749. (1949)
The concept of Probability in Quantum Mechanics, (1951) :
Second symposium de Berkeley sur les mathematiques statistiques et les probabilites, universite
de Californie, Berkeley
Atomic Theory Of Liquid Helium near Absolute Zero, Physical Review, 91:1301.
Applications of Quantum Mechanics to Liquid Helium, (1955) :
Edite par G.J.Gomez. Amsterdam: North Holland
The Relation of Science and Religion, Engineering and Science, Juin, 20.
Superfluidity and Superconductivity, Review of Modern Physics, 29:305.
There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom: An Invitation to Enter a New Field of Physics,
(1960) : Allocution prononcee lors de la reunion annuelle de l'American Physical Society,
29 Decembre 1959. In Engineering and Science, Fevrier, 22
Mapping Experiments with r Mutants of Bacteriophage T4D, Genetics, 127:1004.
(1962) : R.S.Edgar, Feynman, S.Klein, I.Lielausis, C.M.Steinberg
The Feynman Lectures on Physics (Le Cours de Physique de Feynman), (1963) :
Feynman, Leighton, Sands. Reading, Massachussetts: Addison-Wesley. Traduction francaise:
InterEditions (1979)
The Character of Physical Law, (1965) :
Cambridge, Massachussetts, MIT Press. Traduction francaise: La Nature de la Physique, Editions
du Seuil (1979)
Very High-Energy Collisions of Hadrons, Physical Review Letters, 23:1415.
Statistical Mechanics. A Set of Lectures, (1972) :
New York: W.A.Benjamin
Reminiscences of Wartime Los Alamos, (1975) :
Version corrigee dans Engineering and Science, Janvier, 11
Simulating Physics with Computers, International Journal of Theoretical
Physics, 21:467. (1982)
Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman ! Adventures of a Curious Character, (1985) :
New York: Norton. Traduction Francaise: Vous voulez rire, M. Feynman ! InterEditions (1985)
QED The Strange Theory of Light and Matter, (1985) :
Princeton, University Press. Traduction Francaise: Lumiere et Matiere, InterEditions (1987)
Personal Observations on the Reliability of Shuttle, (1986) :
Report of the Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident, II-F
Elementary Particles and Laws of Physics, The 1986 Dirac Memorial Lectures, (1987) :
Cambridge University Press. Traduction francaise: Particules et Lois de la Physique,
InterEditions (1989)
What Do You Care About What Other People Think ? Further Adventures of a Curious
Character, (1988) :
New York: Norton
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