Pictures of Early Cretaceous Site
These pictures are from two early Cretaceous sites in southeastern
Oklahoma. A wide variety of fauna was found at these sites. Several volunteers
from Oklahoma Museum of Natural History helped to remove a tenontosaur
rib and a deinonychus skull at one site. At the other site, OMNH volunteers
and staff found have removed a wide variety of Tenontosaurus bones. Several
neck vertebrae of a dinosaur as yet undescribed have been collected and
are being prepared at the OMNH vertebrate paleontology lab, and will be
displayed in the new museum.

In this picture taken from the Tomato Hill site, OMNH volunteers, Adam
Roberts, Patrick Griffin, Clay Bowman, and Leesa Hames are carefully removing
strata overlying the horizon in which a Tenontosaurus rib had just been

In this picture, also from Tomato Hill, Dr. Nick Czoplewski, Gina Gaberino,
and Beth Larson are removing two Tenontosaur feet in the small blocks and
other asorted bones in the larger block. This picture was taken in 1990.

This picture is from site three. The day this picture was taken, a
crew was filming the excavation of some dinosaur material. This film will
be part of a documentary to be aired on PBS. On the far left is OMNH curator
of paleontology, Dr. Richard Cifelli, followed by PaleOk president and founder, Ashley
Griffin, volunteers Kyle Thoreson, Adam Roberts, and Patrick Griffin, geology professor, Lyn Sorghun;
volunteers Harold ?, Clay Bowman, and Leesa Hames.
Copyrite 1997, Patrick Griffin