Dan's Homepage


Please visit my new site

I hope you enjoy the pictures and find the links useful. A rudimentary format of my final year project is available here. Before you go, please fill in my feedback form or sign my GUESTBOOK. You can also view my guestbook.


People's Homepages

Leeds University http://www.leeds.ac.uk
Jean Michel Jarre's homepage http://www.jeanmicheljarre.com
Andy Threadgold's Homepage http://www.members.leeds.ac.uk/a.r.threadgold97
Stephen Moon's homepage http://www.bigfoot.com/~s.moon
Scott Croisdale's homepage http://freespace.virgin.net/scott.croisdale/scottish.htm
John Hodrien's homepage http://www.personal.leeds.ac.uk/~cbs7jhh
Alanis Morissette's homepage http://www.alanismorissette.com

Ball.gifE-mail: danw32@hotmail.com

Ball.gif© Daniel Whalley 2000

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