Pantheism seems to be the natural "religion" for Heretics; if religion it can be called. It is of course, an "Ideology" older than Paganism; and its tenets have been present, in the background, since the beginning of consciousness in mankind.
The order of Pantheism I have aligned myself with is "Scientific Pantheism". Not because I have been converted or felt a need to have an affiliation with a religion, but because it reflects MY beliefs. This is MY ideology. Some one was just kind enough to name it for me. Thanks Paul :)
Most of its members feel the same way and that is its great appeal. Knowing there are people of like mind out there, is good feeling.
Among our numbers are Scientists, Heretics, Pagans, Wicca, Buddhists, Taoists, Atheists, Naturalists, Unitarians, and even Ex-Catholics and Ex-Jews. Are you a "Scientific Pantheist" Find out by visiting these sites:
The pages inside contain the thoughts, the art, and the literature of Scientific Pantheists. I Call it the "Think Tank" because I hope we can overcome our former religious pasts, and find some real answers to the questions at hand, through the search for knowledge.
You don't have to be Pantheist to get an essay on this page. Just as with the Heretic's home page, The Pantheist Library is open to all thinking people. Just drop me a line and I will post it for you in the appropriate place. When I find out what that is... As you see, we are still under construction, and likely will be for some time..
Here is a Quote from J Pitcher, that sums up Scientific Pantheism.
"Question: What created the universe?
Pantheist: The universe is intrinsic to being."
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