Department and Research Unit
of the National Centre for Marine Research

  Historical Notes

The Station was founded in the period 1934 - 1936 at the northernmost tip of the island and the town of Rhodes, while the Dodecanese Islands were under foreign occupation. 

Initiating its activities in 1937 as the "Reale Instituto di Ricerche Biologiche di Rodi", the Station was handed to the Athens Academy right after the liberation of Dodecanese Islands and their reunion with Greece, in 1945, to operate as a peripheral station of the Greek Hydrobiological Institute. 
Hosting an Aquarium and a Museum, the Station has been operating since 1963 - under the name: "Hydrobiological Station of Rhodes"- as a research unit and department of the National Centre for Marine Research (N.C.M.R.); the latter is conducting a wide range of research activities in oceanography, fisheries and inland waters through its corresponding Institutes. 


The Aquarium, is located in the Station's basement and hosts - in its 40 tanks of 80,000 litres total capacity - a multicoloured population of interesting Mediterranean invertebrate and vertebrate marine species such as sea anemones and plants, urchins, algae, corals, bivalves, lobsters, octapuses, numerus fish, sea turtles etc. 

Unique in its layout and natural decoration the only public Aquarium in Greece gives to its visitors the impression that they share the same environment with the hosted species.  
The excellent physical, chemical and biological parameters of the marine environment in the area along with the literally natural living conditions which are provided for the hosted species are in favour for the effort of introducing and managing species that require special treatment if to be hosted in an Aquarium. Such kind of marine organisms are the chondrichthyes, representative species of which are planned to be studied and exhibited in the new tank - of 300,000 litres capacity.


Taxidermal sea-mammals, large fish and other Mediterranean marine organisms in addition to a collection of oceanographic instruments are exhibited in the Museum. 
The scientific staff of the Station collaborates with colleagues from other institutions, research centres and environmental organisations. Experiences and know-how practices are exchanged concerning the improvement of the Station's facilities, the preservation progects for endagered species (monk seal, dolphins and sea turtles) and the research, educational and monitoring projects.. 

  Research Activities & Development

Drawing on its rich research background and the N.C.M.R.'s full scientific support the Hydrobiological Station of Rhodes succefully tackles problems resulting from the human impact on the marine and inland waters' environments, establishing in that way its significant presence and major role in the Aegean Sea and SE Mediterranean Sea.
In 1994 the Station launched an extensive but short-term renovation and development programme. That includes the reconstruction, restoration and expansion of the aquarium, museum and laboratory facilities, the supplementation of the laboratory and field equipment, the introduction of new educational methods and the construction of a new Conference Centre.
Should that programme be completed it will enable the H.S.R. to expand its research and educational horizons, the latter through the use of multimedia in the Aquarium and the Museum for the presentation of the Station's activities and exhibits as well as through seminars held in the Conference Centre. 
Greek and foreign students and scientists, local producers - such as fishermen and aquaculture farmers - and local govermental institutions' and organizations' officers, all of them potentialy affecting marine and inland waters'ecosystems by their decisions and activities, will be able to attend special seminar classes, which will include laboratory analysies and complete field work onboard the N.C.M.R.'s R/V "AEGAEO".


Map of Rhodes Town
Location of Hydrobiological Station/Aquarium-Museum in Rhodes Town 
Cos street, 851 00 Rhodes
+30(241) 27308/78320
April 1st - October 31st
09:00 - 21:00
November 1st - March 31st
09:00 - 16:30
January 1st - Easter Day - December 25th
Created in April 1997 by the staff of the Hydrobiological Station of Rhodes.
Photos: N. Kasseris, 1996
© National Centre for Marine Research

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