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Dave's page Weather/Midi/Temporali/Storm Chasing/etc...

Midi files and Weather
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Hello! welcome to my web page! A page of midis - mostly New Age style - and weather. I hope you'll be all interested and will visit often my page!
Hey, wanna chat? then go to Jane's Page, or here, hihihihi!!!
Italian Storm chasers? A reality that might come true....
Eccovi una scaletta generale sulla stagione temporalesca 1997
Have a hear at my midis right here or, if you want to learn something about me, just go here!
A comprehensive lookup at the reality of Italian Weather
Versione in italiano
Here are some useful and interesting weather links:
By the way, take a look also to Marcus' Rush Midis and also to my friend Freddy's web page.
Don't forget to take as well a look at
If you're interested in some New Age, just check the beautiful complete New Age Music site.
The Standard midi files on the net.All sort of midi files
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