The Color of Money

My NAR Level-II Certification Project

Diameter: 5.5"
Length: 3' 4"
Weight: 7.5 lbs (W/the J100 in it)
Electronics: N/A
Recovery: b2 Rocketry SkyAngle
Motor: Single Use 54mm Aerotech J100W-10

A Club Member (Bill Sinkins) ran a simulation for me. And according to WinRasp, a LOC Magnum on a J100 will hit 4'000 feet.
(and this was 1/2 of a LOC Magnum)
Bill's Quote was "Congratulations again for certifying" (Lvl-II) "in style"

MUCH THANKS to the following:

Les Kramer, Bill Sinkins, and Mark Sadowski
for all of your advice and encouragement !!!

Please Check Back Soon For Up-Dates On My Other Projects

Maintained by Gerry Freed,