Welcome to IW1AZJ home page. My name's Silvio and I live in Turin, a city (1.200.000 inhabitants) in north-west Italy, near french border.
I am professionally involved in telecommunications on the field of data transmission, good background for the new technologies related ham activity.
I have got my VHF licence in late 1983 and from the very beginning I was really motivated by the great possibilities offered by VHF band. During the following years, my main interest remained on 144 MHz, where a broad range of propagations mode, from Tropo to Meteor scatter, from FAI to Sporadic E, may be tested.
Ham activity suggested me a continous deepening of VHF propagation theories, from those not yet discovered like ES and FAI, to meteor burst communications or radio auroras forecast. Now, Internet is a very precious source of informations: an example is the IMO site (International Meteor Organisation) that gives us the opportunity of finding details of meteor showers, date of peak, ZHR, and so on.
Other source may be found in some good books for hams: a comprensive references on VHF propagations are in [4]; more theory is discussed in [2] [3] [5] ; a nice history of VHF activity was published from ARRL in [3], a reprint of forthy years of QST articles relating propagations on VHF.
[1] METEOR BURST COMMUNICATIONS, Jacob Z. Schanker, Artech House, ISBN 0-89006-444-X
[2] RADIO AURORAS, Charles Newton, G3FKZ, RSGB ed., ISBN 1-872309-0308
[3] BEYOND LINE OF SIGHT, Emil Packock ed., W3EP, ARRL book
[4] THE VHF/UHF DX BOOK, DIR Publishing LTD, England, ISBN 0-9520468-06
[5] SPORADIC E LAYERS- History of recent observation, J.D.Withehead, COSPAR 1988
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