Normally, one would insert a few lines describing the author, but I think that all you need to know at this stage is that I am a male living in the UK.
This page has been constructed to give a glimpse of my general interests. You may already notice an aerospace feel to this site, not surprising if you consider the Geocities location, also, a great chunk of my academic study has been devoted to this awesome subject. I am, however, a sporty chap who likes to take part in all sorts of physical activities including soccer, ten-pin bowling, basketball, martial arts, skiing......(you get the idea). Yet to try are flying, snowboarding, bungee jumping, parachuting, go-carting, Formula one (oops....getting carried away now!).
I graduated in Aeronautical Engineering at Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London with no place to go in a country with an aerospace industry in trouble so I turned to safe and secure banking for a while. I bailed out of Midland bank after finding my bearings and looked to the stars, so I enroled onto a postgraduate degree course in Mathematics with Dynamical systems and Astronomy (aka Astrophysics). Before I could complete this awesome masters degree I was given an offer one just couldn't refuse (well, if you've studied engineering for three years would you?). So, now I'm a Stress Engineer at GKN Westland's early stages, yet but I'm happy-ish!!!
Alas, you may have already noticed my purile effort at webpage design, however, in my recent attempts to further my knowledge I have come across some very useful sites.
I will not bother with a fancy or amusing image but simply state that this site will be under continuous renovation from the moment it becomes online. Any ideas to improve this site would be warmly accepted
I was going to include a bundle of images which I have scavenged from various locations but just a few of these high resolution pics chew up a lot of very finite space. However, do not despair I have included an interesting site in the USA, a major attraction for the modern plane spotter.
Aeronautics and astronomy is the theme but satisfaction CANNOT be guaranteed.
I can only include highlights of the highlights of my portfolio of images so there are good quality links to compensate
Military Aircraft | Above and Beyond | The Gallery | The Sound Room |
Here are two very good friends of mine with interesting sites, whether you are into light relief (check out Denver's site) or something very impressive (if you're an engineer like myself, that is) see Bhupen's page
Talking of friends, if you have lost contact with someone may I suggest using bigfoot to find their email or URL address.
My very obliging host is
If you like to make your mark in cyberspace for absolutely nothing then click here
Enter a username you would like to be known by and click the button. Look out for me, I am known as "Lister" in this chat area. It's a cool place with no extra software required except a browser that supports frames. A person I am acquainted with is "Sposh" who was studying with me at QMW so say hello from me if you happen to bump into him.
*d.c* is one of the many chat monitors who will haunt the Cape Canaveral Chat so be weary when you are about to explode im a frenzy of bad language or behaviour.
However, she is an agreeable person and can tolerate a little before taking action (she HAS the power), and don't presume that she is not present because her name isn't on the list because
she is an addict and likes to use many pseudonames. You have been warned!!
You may check out her personal page devoted to her many friends on the geocities chats at *d.c*'s The Wall