The Home Page Of:
Rob Petersen

Well, this page has been up for a number of years now and I still have not completed it. However, I hope you enjoy what you see and please stay tuned for the "final?" version. It my even direct you to my own domain which will primarily contain my photography. I've included a few of my favorite links for your surfing enjoyment and will continue to make minor adjustments while I prepare the final version of whatever ends up here. Meanwhile, thanks for stopping by and there's more to come.

A Little About Me
If anyone cares

I live in the Seattle/Tacoma area of Washington, and for the past 27 years, I've worked for The Boeing Co. I'm a Metrology Technician ("Metrology" is the science of measurement.) in the Puget Sound Metrology organization. I started work for Boeing as an electronics assembler and for 7 or 8 years built many internal parts for the E3A "AWACS" radar planes. They're the ones with the black & white saucer on top. It was a great program and it's still going today. Although Boeing now builds these planes on the 767 rather than the old 707 airframe.

On a more personal level I'm 50 years old, and I have two children, John (14) and Julia (13). Yes, this is my first attempt at building a web page, does it show? I hope that the completed product will be both interesting and worthwhile. Most important, I hope it provides information that is of benefit to people and not a waste of web space. Please email me any comments or suggestions at the address below.

My Interests
I suppose that the best - and fastest - way to really get to know someone is by discovering what they like. So here goes . . . . . .

My real love is Photography, with Computers, Movies and occasionally Railfanning thrown in for variety. I am primarily a landscape/nature photographer, but also enjoy shooting lighthouses, waterfalls, bridges (mostly unique rail or highway types), and occasionally trains. Trains were once my main photographic subjects, and I have thousands of images in my files. However, time has changed my focus (no pun intended) and now I concentrate on the other subjects mentioned. For many years I was disdainful of digital photography as I didn't feel it had the image quality of my slides or even cheap print film. Two years ago that all changed with the purchase of my first digital point & shoot camera. I was so blown away with the image quality and the easy of sharing my photos online that I rarely shoot film anymore.

To see some examples of my work, please look at my "Scenic Washington" album at GeoSnapper

To touch briefly on the subject of railroading, my favorite locomotive is the 4449 (thus my user name) a former Southern Pacific GS-4 class 4-8-4 now owned by the City of Portland, Oregon. She still makes an occasional excursion and in the spring of 2002 she was repainted into the Red, White and Blue scheme that she wore while pulling the American Freedom Train in the mid-nineteen seventies. She pulled a two day round trip excursion between Portland and Bend, Oregon. When she's under a full head of steam, there's still nothing quite like her. When this page is finished (?) I'll include a link to a gallery of my favorite photos. Trains, Bridges, Lighthouses, Etc. so please stay tuned, I'm working on the photo galleries now, really!

I am considering doing an "Unofficial" 4449 web site that will reside elsewhere. I would like to have this new site on line sometime after I finish my photography site. I plan for the site to contain history, photos, and links to other 4449 related sites. It will likely provide updates of upcoming excursions, as I get the details. I am also looking for material to include in the 4449 web site so if you have any suggestions or photos to share, please email me and I'll get back to you. Please check back periodically if you like the 4449 I think you'll like what you see. If you sign the guest book or drop me an email, I'll inform you when the new page is posted to the web.

My Personal Photo Gallery
Sorry Still Under Construction

Links to a few of My Favorite Sites
(More to Come)
Another way to really get to know someone - is to learn their favorite sites so here are a few of mine:
4449 Photos
Official 4449 Home page
2002 ATF Colors 4449 Photos
The Southern Pacific Links Page
The Official Union Pacific Railroad Page
Nicholson Bridge (Tunkhannock Viaduct)
California State Railroad Museum
Japanese Bridge Engineering
'SP Steam Locomotives

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