Welcome to my Web Page!
that someone got lucky and viewed my page! THANKS!
Yes, This page is under needed construction and will always be.
I'm just putting this up until I have time to start creating my new pages. It will have 3 main subjects in it. I'm a Amateur Radio Operator, A Private Pilot and also Love to take photos that will be up and on these pages soon! The page will always be changing so come back and visit often!
Send E-mail if you have any questions or you just visited! Guest book
will follow once I can figure it out!
What's a B-team? Glad you asked.
It's a group of folks who I used to work with and are excellent computer
operators in the mainframe world. The reason why we did not use the A-Team
is I don't need to get sued by some television network for stealing
their name and the A-team was on the air at the time
The other founder was Jonathan Byrne who also happens to be one of my best friends in the world! (I do mean world as he is over in Japan living and working fulfilling his dreams...) See his EXCELLENT web page at:
This is where my hobbies will be listed and some neat links! Stay tuned! There will be a different photo here and there, so keep checking back to see what's up! Here is one of my hobbies:
This is a Learjet 31. I'm a private
pilot (No I don't fly Lears.... Wish I did....) It's a very nice way to
get around!
This is what the cockpit looks like on a Learjet. Learjets require two pilots at all times to fly the aircraft.
Any questions, comments or concerns
can be directed to: b-team@geocities.com
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