Gripen is the first 4th generation fighter operational. It is a highly agile, light-weight fly-by-wire
multi-role combat aircraft designed to undertake an extensive range of operational missions.
First flown in December 1988, Gripen is now in operational service with the Swedish Air Force
and will ultimately replace all current versions of Viggen and Draken combat aircraft. A two-seat
trainer is also available.
Advanced aerodynamics and structure
To give Gripen its outstanding performance Gripen features a delta wing and fully movable canard and
extensive use of advanced materials and construction techniques. This together with that Gripens is
relatively small gives it a relatively small radar cross-section (or high degree of stealthiness).
Multi-role capability
As a result of its high-power radar, stealthiness properties and TIDLS (Tactical Information Data Link
System), Gripen has superior Beyond Visual Range air-to-air performance. Similarly, in close combat
Gripen can out-maneuver the competition due to its outstanding agility. Gripen has all-weather, day
and night low level attack capabilities with provision for FLIR-pod integration and its cockpit is adapted
for the use of Night Vision Goggles (NVG). Fully NATO interoperable, Gripen can undertake a wide
variety of operational missions and is equipped to carry an extensive range of air-to-air and
air-to-surface weaponry. The already competitive payload/range performance can be further extended
by the provision for air-to-air refueling and an On-Board Oxygen System (OBOGS).
All this ensures together with extensive software upgrades will make Gripen capable of challenging
all other aircraft well into the century.