Amateur Radio Reading |
Welcome to the Amateur Radio Reading page. This is not a bibliography, but a collection of original and scrounged reading about amateur radio. Most of these documents have been gleaned from the vast mailings of the QRP-L Internet Mailing List. I've cleaned them up an put them in HTML format. Some of them are original works by myself, Mark Arvidson, KB0SPQ. Feel free to peruse them. If a copyrighted document is posted erroneously or something else strikes you as odd, drop me a note and I'll take care of it as soon as I can. Thanks for your time. |
Now, on to the good stuff. |
Neat! |
Pixie II A tiny xcvr using two transisters and an LM386 |
Original! |
40m - 10m Vertical Antenna (Maybe) |
N1OOQ Receiver Project A qrp-l receiver design discussion |
Like everyone else, I have a bookmark list. Hopefully it rivals others. This is really the list of bookmarks that I use every day, so it changes regularly. I do not put my bookmarks online as a service to the world, so if they don't work, or if you don't like them, too bad. |