Gremminger's Landing
Welcome! You have arrived in Steph and Greg's airspace!
We have reserved this site as a "photo album." Here are some highlights of the 1997 the summer and fall. We will be updating this page with the new '98 flying pictures as we get them.

Check out the Shelbyville '79 NOSTALGIA page. Can you ID any pictures and gyros?

Click on any picture below to see it larger

Steph flying the High Command - 35 hours!

High Command

Carl Schneider's ultralight gyro.And his new prerotators - It's a Tri-Motor!

This is the CarterCopter under development as seen at Sun-n-Fun and Oshkosh.

Ernie Boyette's four-blade system on his two-place Dominator,

and his single-place Dominator.

BJ Shram's new Helicycle at Mentone

The RAF 2000s were abundant at Benson Days.  This yellow one is Ron Menzie, CFI from Arkansas.

Chapter 35's Donny Moulton over his farm in Illinois.

It's an invasion!

One of the many two-place machines. This is a Parson's two-place at Benson Days

Designer Vorhees with his Pitbull autogyro at Benson Days

Ron Heron won awards at Mentone

2SI twin counter-rotating engines as seen on Kolb Firefly at Sun and Fun.

Uncle Fuz - Leroy Hahn and his neat Benson - Fuz has a clutch!

Gary Stephens and his Mark III Kolb - He also flies 727's

Chapter 35 gathers at Ste. Genevieve Jour De Fete flyin - complete with Fire Engine

The St. Louis Rotorcraft Club is a site you'll want to visit.

Need a cheap and simple windsock? Check this out - Windsock Frame

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